How to Make Easy Money Online With a Free Blog For Beginners

in money •  3 years ago 

This is a way to make money for beginners from online with the help of blogger blogs.

A Blog is a short name for "Weblog" and it is basically a website that you can get for free and use for multiple different things. You can sell products as an affiliate marketer or make money from clicks, via ads on your blog through Google Adsense.
A Blogger blog is a blog that you can get for FREE from They are owned and operated by Google, so if you have a Gmail account or a Google Account, you can use your same login name and password as that to log in and
you don't even have to create a new account! If you do not have an account with Google already, you can create one for free, at or
Once you log in to, you can create a blog right away! You get your
own domain name that will look something like this:

Of course, you would replace "YourDomainName" with whatever you want your URL to be. Most of the time, people choose keywords that are popular search terms on, so that the blog ranks higher on the search engines.

The fastest and easiest way to make money with a blog, is with this
formula: RB + AL + AM + T = $$$.

RB = "Review Blog" - This is a blog that you will create with and
you will use it to post product reviews, about products that you are promoting as
an affiliate.

AL = "Affiliate Links" -At the end of each product review, you would include your
affiliate link to the product you reviewed. Your "affiliate link" is the URL that you
send people to, so that you can earn a commission on the product if they purchase

AM = "Article Marketing" - By writing articles (or outsourcing them) you can
drive quality, targeted traffic to your blog.

T = "Traffic" - This is the traffic you will receive from both the articles, as well as
people who are surfing for blogs in your category. The more
popular of a niche market you choose, the more traffic you will likely receive.

$$$ = this represent the money that you are going to earn through affiliate sales !!

The whole process is free. The blog is free, with Becoming an affiliate,, and are ALL 100% FREE. Writing and submitting keyword optimized articles or is also 100% FREE and that is all it takes to make money with a blog.

Step 1 - would be to sign up as an affiliate with, sign up as an affiliate for FREE, right away...
All you have to do is click the small link at the top of the page that says "Marketplace"

The great thing about the products on the marketplace, is that they offer stunningly high commissions to their affiliates (you). Most of them offer a 75% commission! If you were promoting an eBook that is $47, in the Weight Loss niche or the Make Money Online niche, you would earn $32.50 for every copy you sell. The best part is, you don't even have to sell them the eBook...the sales page that the product creator made will do that for you. All you have to do is refer people to your 'affiliate link'.
An 'affiliate link' is the link that is provided to you, so that you can promote a particular product (of your choice)
You can view the product price, the commission percentage, and the gravity. The gravity is how many people (affiliates) earned a commission on that product in the past one or two week pay period. You can also view the sales page, which is
where your affiliate link will send people.
A common conversion
rate is 2%. So, out of every 50 visitors to your affiliate link, you should have 1 purchase. That would net you $32.50. It is very easy to get 50 visitors to your blog and even much more.

Step 2 - would be to sign up with <---At this link, you can sign up for for FREE --and start creating as many blogs as you want, right away. You can be up and running in just minutes. If you don't have a Google Mail account already (Gmail, Adwords, Adsense) you will have to create one, but this is 100% free. Then, you will proceed to the "Create a Blog" section, by clicking on the "Create a Blog" link.

Step 3 - would be to go back to the Marketplace and choose a product or products to promote. Here you can pick a category and even a sub-category. For instance, a popular niche is "Health and Fitness" and the most popular sub-category of the Health and Fitness market is "Diet."

Step 4 - would be to write a product review about the product you choose to market. Remember, you are marketing a product here...the product is already made.

But, you do NOT have to give or write the sales pitch...the sales page for the product you're promoting will have one already -- Most likely written by a professional sales copywriter. All you need to do is guide people there, If you can not write a product review to save your own life, you can easily outsource it to someone on the warrior forum. A freelance writer would not charge too much for a product review for a Clickbank product. You can expect to pay anywhere from $3 - $20 for a custom written product review, depending on the writer and the word count of the review.

Step 5 - would be to add your affiliate link to the bottom of the product review. It can be a short review, something like 250-500 words or more if you wish. At the end, you can give a strong "Call to action" so that the reader will be compelled to click on your affiliate link. Something like, "To check out (ProductNameHere), visit their website at (Your Affiliate Link) and (Something positive that the product will do for them --such as lose 9pounds in 11 days!)."

Step 6 - would be to drive traffic to your review blog. You don't just want any traffic going to your site, you want 'targeted' traffic. Targeted traffic is visitors who are actually interested in the product that you are reviewing. They are in the market for what you are offering basically. That is the beauty of niche find the people who need what you are offering and you simply give it to them. It's easy money, and you are helping people at the same time.

The way to drive targeted traffic to your review blog is to write articles for it and submit them to and These article directories are the top, most popular ones and rank very well on the search engines
--especially If you write articles in the niches that you are promoting, and you give away some good information and of course include a link to your review blog in your resource box at the end of each article, you will have targeted traffic to your blog, which will convert into sales, which means you will earn affiliate commissions!

Step 7 - includes additional methods of driving quality, targeted traffic to your blog. This includes (but is not limited to) back link building, social networking, pinging your blog, paying for traffic via Pay-Per-Click advertising, traffic exchanges (not so great), offline advertising such as business cards, classified ads, yellow pages, etc. The more targeted leads you drive to your website...the more sales you will make. It's simple, but it does take work.

This is a very simple method to create money through online....but this all depends on your hard work and your creativity...

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