A world without money

in money •  7 years ago 

I've decided to stay in Berlin until the 25th. I've booked flights directly to Turkey. I will stay in Berlin and save some money for my travels.

I've got to take care of myself. This is a big one for me, giving myself the things that I need in order to be able to give to others. I'll be volunteering at an NGO near Izmir in Turkey. This NGO works with refugee children from Syria. I have friends from the sufi dergah I played music for in Yalova last year that are involved with this organisation. It's a great opportunity to get some hands on experience with what is actually going on with this situation we hear so much on the news about but don't get much experiencial information. I see it as a falacy within the western world, where we believe we know so much but we can't always trust the media with the perspectives it reports on.

I got a good sleep at a friends house and feeling refreshed, I will work today, the sun it out and things are looking good. My largest obstacle is finding my own space. I'm a person that needs a lot of time to myself.

Today, I will find some places to play on the street and then later for restaurants and bars. I forget how much value I have in what I do. Moneylessness and hopelessness come together as a conditioned response. A world in which so much value is placed on money affects us all on a very deep level when in reality, community and working together makes things happen just as good or better.

I see a world without money. A world with community. Money is a tool, yes, but it's been also a tool for exploitation of individuals. In survival instances, it creates a hard level of defence between people, restricting their openness and therefore their ability to see resources we can share freely.

When we give, we get back. It will take time to transition to this way of living. Quite obviously this economic system is the system of control we are born into and some of us with more opportunities that others.

The answer is to be the answer now. To live community, to speak with people, to find people that relate to one another and grow little communities everywhere, increasing trust between individuals. As we move forward, collectively we veer away from extremism and increase in emotional intelligence.

There are so many factors that get in our way, but the aim and the path remain the same. So we just deal with the bullshit and move and hopefully find a way within all of that to own ourselves and be independent within our own being.

Fear is the largest of these obstacles, fear and greed. How senseless these things are to allow them to affect our judgement when we realise they are just games of the mind and big games at that, that are played on a collective level.

We must divulge our old selves and find a way forward into the new world. Not the new world that many conspiracy nuts are fearing but the new world in which we all work together and everyone gets what they need without needing to fight for it.

In this world many things will be possible. We must have the courage to take the plunge and do what we can until we can see clearly how to do more.

Sometimes just being authentic is enough because so little people are true to themselves to their actual needs. We are bound up in an artificial consumer world of artificial consumer needs. We must ground ourselves to find our real needs and then find a way to assist others unconditionally.

The issues are too great to take head on or all at once. One small step at a time, one breath at a time, we get there and slowly but surely change is taking place.

We live in an exciting world, in an exciting time, a time of change. Let's make our nest on the winds of change and see where it takes us.

In love,

Monty x

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