in money •  7 years ago 


Gold & Silver appear to be ready for a Full Throttle Bull run starting from 2017 June/July towards 2018 March/April, are the chart s predicting it.

Below are the observations (charts included).

  1. Gold forming Golden cross
  2. Silver forming Golden cross
  3. Gold Silver Ration forming Death cross.

Gold : Golden Cross Forming
Screen Shot 2017-05-21 at 1.27.29 AM.png

Silver : Golden Cross Forming
Screen Shot 2017-05-21 at 1.28.39 AM.png

Gold & Silver Ratio : Death Cross Forming
Screen Shot 2017-05-21 at 1.37.31 AM.png

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I's just a matter of time. How long can the supression game go on at this point?

Yes.....looks like we are waiting for the bull market forever..

THE COT (Commitment of Traders) Report shows the shorts on the Comex with a massive cover of shorts.....I think this means very positive things for the coming week