in money •  8 years ago 


For my first post. I wish to thank the following people for educating me on how the Financial System ‘really’ works. From the Criminal Central Banks and their offshoots, to the Stock Markets and how and why they are rigged, and finaly, how there are alternatives and all is not lost.

  1. Gregory Mannerino. www.traderschoice.net - steemit @marketreport
  2. Cliff High. www.halfpasthuman.com
  3. ‘V’ and Crew at Rogue Money www.roguemoney.net
  4. Bix Weir. www.roadtoroota.com
  5. Gerald Celente. www.trendsresearch.com
  6. Greg Hunter. www.usawatchdog.com

The work eminating from these people is truly AAA Rated!

Thanks again guys.

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Great share,
Thank you

My pleasure

All great people to follow for sure, i have been following for years. It's very interesting when you take the red pill.