Today I realized in what aspect Steemit is better than Bitcoin & Ethereum.

in money •  8 years ago  (edited)

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum allow us to build an alternative financial system that will give people the opportunity to trade without losing at intermediaries. In fact, the modern financial system allows to exist many parasites that do not create anything useful for society and live at the expense of others . I'm sure many of those who understand "crypto" topic know what I mean.

What do we really need?

The common man needs the ability to easily and securely share his goods and services with others. This is the basis of any economic system. I create something of value. The other person creates something of value. And we just want to share what were created. However, in the modern financial system is not so easy to do. You should use the services of a third party. This can be a bank or some state service.

In essence we need money only for exchange operations. Money is a universal product. But this "money product" is not valuable by itself. You are unable to eat money. You can't use money as clothes. You can't use money as a home. Or as medicine.

But the banks are the main participants in the modern financial system, they sell us the money. The central bank releases the "money product" and sells it to the public. It's called a loan. The bank gives you money so you can exchange goods with other people. It's not bad. However, government agencies do not ensure that in their system there are no parasites. Parasites are those who do not create anything of value, but a cunning way gets the money. It is the function of the government to ensure that thieves and criminals cannot take money from the population. Right? It is for the execution of these duties the population pays to the government. We pay taxes. And we hope that the government will take care of thieves and criminals. But, unfortunately, they are very bad cope with this task.

And then Bitcoin was created.

Thus it is quite logical that Bitcoin was created and all the multitude of other cryptocurrencies. People need a financial system that does not allow parasites to thrive. In other words, state officials can be replaced by a computer. The financial system based on cryptocurrency allows people to exchange goods and services and do not suffer from thieves and crooks. And that's the power of cryptocurrency. Crypto money really solve the issue of exchange of goods.

But why Steemit better than Bitcoin or Ethereum?

One of the main differences of these cryptocurrencies is the anonymity. Steemit is a social network. Thus, the better others know you, the better for you. And that's good. After all, we want to do business with those whom we know.

My father grew up in the village. I also half of my childhood spent in the village. In the village everyone knows each other. And this is their strength. The city is implementing the idea of anonymity. And the village - the idea of "everybody knows everybody". Steemit is like a village, while Bitcoin and other anonymous cryptocurrencies is like the city.

We love to do business with those whom we know.

In fact, in this sense, living in the village easier and better than in the city. Who is more financially secure - the person who has a lot of friends and acquaintances or someone who doesn't know anyone? The answer is obvious. As they say in Russia: "Do not have 100 rubles, have 100 friends". Friends will always help in trouble. Therefore, the more financially secure one who has a lot of good friends.

Steemit allows you to put into practice this idea of the "village" in the modern technological environment. Thus steemit creates the perfect environment for business. Here you can not only expand the circle of your friends but also to exchange goods and services using Steem or Steem Dollar.

It may seem that Steemit is only the implementation of social network on the Blockchain, but it's not.

Steemit is the foundation of the new economy. As it has almost everything you need for a successful business. If you are open - people will trust you. If people trust you, you can exchange goods and services. So Steemit better than Bitcoin in that sense. Steemit much more effectively creates the conditions for economic development. So I am very glad to joined this project.


If you are looking for opportunities for business, Steemit is perhaps the best at the moment. Here you can see your customer and your business partner. A decent person does not need to hide his identity. Steemit helps us to see each other better. It unites us and helps us financially and spiritually. I am sure that in the future there will be valuable information for self-development and all opportunities for financial prosperity. Therefore, I Express once more my gratitude to the creators and participants of this cool project!

Sincerely yours,

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Ethereum is just a bunch of code with no current purpose. Steemit is a bunch of code that regular people can actually make use of.

User interface and user experience is the biggest hurdle any cryptocurrency has to hurdle before allowing your everyday Joe to use it. Steemit is terrific in that way. There's underlying code but you're never having second thoughts about it while you're on it.

Summed up perfectly. . . steemit abstracts away the blockchain maintaining the network and lets people focus on the content.

I'm hoping this really is the application of crypto that hits closest to home with most. Steemit is the one topic I have not had one lick of trouble explaining to family and friends. :)

This post rocks!!!
Learn some of the Steem's Fundamentals Here

Well thought out and wriiten post @omfedor!

I agree with you. Steem creates value that anyone, crypto buff or average joe, can benefit from.

I've written about the same topic in relation to our competitor, the ethereum network, about to pop like a bubble - and the future for Steem when this event happens.

Thanks for the interesting writeup!

Very good write up omfedor. I do disagree with a few points like "A decent person does not need to hide his identity" but I do agree that were in a new paradigm with something that actually has a current use case.

I also disagree with that statement. A sensible person does not expose his identity.

I am just very introverted, that's why I am not too keen on exposing my identity if I don't have to. Something I am working on however.


When it comes to ethereum, its not better, its different. Bitcoin sucks, its way better than bitcoin, lol. :P

omfedor I put together some growth possibilities for steemit
Here is some information that may help the bullish fundamentals

Etherium isn't a cryptocurrency, while a lot of people just assume it as such, it is not and has no intentions of becoming one. The idea behind etherium is larger and wants to be more versatile in function than btc ever did/was.

that is the one thing i like about steemit. it a product of real life untilization. the used case is very obvoius, and real . just imagine, how we exchanging ideas, and services, generating revenue too , its really great.

That's why I am really excited about a marketplace being built here.

The Steem platform, I believe, will be the stepping stone for all future social media platforms to follow. It's a breakthrough in social media technology, which rewards its content creators with money. I love the idea, and I'm glad to be apart of this revolution!

May we all continue to contribute to such a beautifully structured social media platform!

"One of the main differences of these cryptocurrencies is the anonymity."

In theory both ETH and BTC are pseudonymous, rather than anonymous. In this regard, Steemit is not much different.

enjoyed reading it! share some of ur thoughts! keep it up!

Steemit is really a "Village". I like the analogy and can relate it to so many places i visited.

I have ethereum stored on my wallet on . Can someone please tell me how I can access my ether and move it to my coinbase ethereum wallet?

Cool post, you have my upvote and follow!

Very nice post man! Thanks-

Thanks for the post. Indeed, there is something to ponder. The phenomenon of cryptocurrencies had already begun to change the world but we are still in the beginning of these changes.Of course at some point they will grow like an avalanche pace. But now, inside the process, being engaged in mining, crypto trading on the stock exchange, studying news blockchain industry, we don't always understand what's going on. The article that you write helps to reflect on the moment, to understand where we are going, why and for what it was.I can agree with your point of view that the basic principles of network STEEMIT better or more advantageous, and can not disagree. But I in any case consider this question and deepen my understanding of what is happening.And it is extremely important for every individual and for the community as a whole. Good luck!