Financial Repression Is Here

in money •  8 years ago 

What's your Plan B?

and C, and D and E?

It would be well for people to have thought through many scenarios for weathering the financial storms of the months ahead. Not that any particular one will be the best for everyone or anyone in particular. But if you have already thought through how you might handle a time of bank bail-ins, cash bans, precious metal confiscations and confiscatory new taxes on real property - then you will be better positioned than 99% of the public who are still entranced by the mind numbing "bread and circuses" of the mainstream hypnosis.


Paul Rosenberg of is one of the most intelligent and aware people I know. I don't agree with him that "Bitcoin is the only escape". I think that there are other cryptos that will do even better with less risk. But his article is well worth reading. Enjoy!

Financial Repression Is Here, and Bitcoin Is the Only Escape


When I warned about bankers planning “financial repression” back in 2014, I wasn’t sure how long it would be before it arrived, or where. And when I wrote about the banning of cash last February, I was worried that the money monopolists were accelerating toward open repression.

Unfortunately, it turns out that they were in a hurry and have now withdrawn all currency worth more than a few dollars (US$1.50) in India. New currency has been promised, but the old notes were withdrawn without the new ones being ready. So, we’ll call that an “effective” and possibly a “temporary” ban on cash.

read the complete article here:

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As you may be well aware of my situation, the Steem is a bit of a shelter that way, though I still foresee the socio-political situation to be the limiting factor as to whether or not I will be able to use this financial mean at all. As for Bitcoins, my thoughts are going along the same line. Though the value of it is much higher now in relation to other cryptos, if the speed at which the fiat money going out increases and lose many of its illegitimate privileges, there will be a world of cryptos out there in peoples wallets burning to be used. Offering by the same token, no punt intended (by now I'm actually giggling...), a world of potential to all cryptos Bitcoins still being on top, but the location and concentration of each individual cryptos in one area of influence would therefore become the limiting factor as to its usability and its popularity would greatly depend on the character of the people using them... Thanks for sharing, now I'm going to be reading ALL the replies from here on and look forward to reading them all too! All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Litecoin, Monero or DASH.
Which do you like?

I don't use any of those. BitShares will be state of the art for anonymity when the STEALTH feature is released in the coming months (it also has so many other advantages over your mentioned coins that they are far too numerous to list here). And I am a huge fan of Steem.

I can't wait for STELTH to take action on the BitShares platform, that'll be a huge game changer in itself. All for one and one for all!!! Namaste :)

I have not heard of BitShares before. When did this currency controls me out? Sounds nice! Upvoted and resteemed


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Well stocked pantry of canned goods
physical gold, and enough silver to buy a cow :)

I'd think about a "plan C" too (getting the hell out of dodge) if I were you lol.

With respect, one doesn't "getting the hell out of dodge" when Dodge has been in the family over a hundred years and has the man power to defend it.

The governments money isn't all that much use to us now, it will be even less so in the future :-)


With respect too:

If you are the Captain, I guess you do have to go down with the ship.
I tip my hat to you, Captain.

p.s. that is hypothetical. Your ship may not be in the path of the icebergs. In that case, you are one of the lucky ones.

sorry to be so frank and sorry for the sorry , but can you tell me what you think I'm not sure if i will step on a toe , just saying

Since you've said your ship , can you check my 1st post and tell me what you think :)

Thank you for the link. I have upvoted and replied there.

giving you a follow for the courage and the general wisdom , if we stand our ground we can move the world :) , sounds nice but I lack in faith :)

Silver in hand
Gold in hand
Colt 45 ACP

Nice post @onceuponatime.good are welcome to visit my regards.

interesting post, thank you.

I hope that you clicked through to the link too!

Free markets are the only way. And people can't say we have a free market when central banks control everything. The only way to protect wealth is to have it in your hands. "TRUST" is the new currency. :)

I agree! But in order to have free markets, we must have free beings........where are you going to find them? Most people are slaves to numerous passions and the lies they believe and that they tell themselves.

I'm so glad to see you say that, and I totally agree! It's good to think about plan B, C D ... Go back to the basics, foot, shelter, water. How will you obtain them if you have to flee your home? If it comes down to that you better have already established good relationships with people you trust, wherever you intend to flee to. Knowing a skill in demand may be the only form of wealth you can take with you.

There is soooooooooo much to think about for the worst case scenario when the kaka hits the rotating air mover. But like you said, better to be prepared (to the extent you can) than not to be at all.

Freedom like life finds a way...:)

Hey, let's see if we can match each other platitude for platitude, OK?
Since you went first, it's my turn. Ready?

"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride."

Did "if's" & "an's" make pots & pans we'd have no need of tinkers.

Keep working, stop paying.

I'll drink to that!!!!


Ah, but will you throw rocks?

Yeah that story is gloomy , saw a post "War on cash is real" a few months ago over here and it's tough to imagine , heard mentality is a terrible thing and people are loosing their power, I'm not sure how many active and involved people there are in India , but it looks to me from a short sight like a one party rule like in Germany and some other countries.

I lived for quite a few years in small villages in the Himalayan region of northern India. There are actually places like that which I think will be virtually unaffected by what people in the big cities are experiencing already - and which is coming to a city near you.

I'm far away , Europe concerns me more and peoples inability to take care of themselves and support a growing government that reigns over smaller ones , I just got a reallly really long read on the inception of the european union , from 1920 to dunno when but I gave up reading it for the night :D . Anyway I don't like to subscribe to the fear mentality, since that paralyzes and makes you just say fuck off I'm watching whats on tv the world i fucked. Or something , so no actions.

So many dark stories we have made as people, the slaughters in Tibet and China, the whole wars in Malaysia , East Timor slaughters , Vietnam and the like, just endless , so much oppression , even now wit the MIddle East , seem like politics never rests and is never satisfied for long , something truly wrong is going on with us and I'm starting to question much of our existence.

Trailing off tho , cash is ok and governments where people are focused and work towards true betterment of the world are a rare sight , but we need more of those , rater than oppressive regimes where war is peace and people have to be defended from terror , to be free to curse the tv , I truly wish people leave those masks they so adore and die for.
can't seem to stop trailing off , but now the world is really starting to seem like a game where people are played in different theaters , by people with more power , no respect for humanity or the individual and we have bought that endlessly so far.


I don't agree with him that "Bitcoin is the only escape". I think that there are other cryptos that will do even better with less risk.

exactly! Steem may have a chance ey?

I love the intro of this post the most. Most of us did just have plan A and finishes to B - in this time - we really need more. I have a friend who lives in India - we sent him an email about what their bank is doing - he isn't aware of that - cause they live in an Eco village or something like that - they barely use cash since everything they need - they already have - self sufficient and living a simple life. The thing is - he lives there and doesn't know .

Seriously thankful for sharing @krnel's post for the new year, great gift indeed and thank you for not overflowing your blog so good things stand out :)

I agree on what you say about Bitcoin not being the only choice. If the shit hits the fan the government might look at Bitcoin as the main enemy and go after it. I think it would be OK to own Bitcoin but if all your money is invested in that it could be rather risky. Therefore other Alt coins could also be a good alternative. Basically I like the idea of not putting all your eggs in one basket.
I have been in crypto.currency for a few years and invested in Bitcoin about 3 years ago. I am no expert but I have a fairly good track record. I also follow Max Keiser who has an astonishing record of financial predicting and accuracy.

I basically look for what has real value? And with regards to that, I agree that Bitshares is not a silly investment. Why? For two reasons. 1st because as you say, the new STELTH technology will be a game changer. 2nd because it was Dan Larimer who was involved in the creation of Bitshares, and as we know, Dan Larimer is also one of the founders of Steemit. Anyone who doubts Dan Larimer I tell them that perhaps they do not know that he was around at the beginning of Bitcoin and actually had contact and advice from the infamous Satoshi Nakamoto. Enough said.

In my view Steemit is also a very good bet because it is based on something real as well as something entirely new. I mean it is revolutionary but at the same based upon the traditional idea of how a shareholding Company works. This is what makes Steemit a potential goldmine for investors. If it can survive past the first 3 year curse, then it will boom. The percentage of new businesses and companies that die in the first three years is very high due to high competition and other variable factors.

However, Steemit has no real competitors. It is the first social media platform to use Blockchain technology and that is HUGE. Once the ordinary person in the street understands the significance of that, Steemit will explode in value and that means the price of Steem will go up just like shares of a stock market company do.

I wrote on my own blog that the real value of Steemit, in my opinion, is that it has integrity. The vast majority of its members are genuine people who are careful of what they post. It is "reputation based" and that is extremely valuable in these modern times of fake news, fake celebrities, fake politicians etc. Therefore if Steemit can grow a reputation for being tough with the truth then it will gain the reputation like the BBC used to have before it also old out to propaganda.

It is early days for Steemit I know, but honestly it has begun very positively and I dont see any signs of it dying anytime soon. As the content rises so does its value. Just like Facebook. The more users Facebook got the more valuable Facebook became. Steemit will be exactly the same only this time it will be those who invested in Steemit with Steempower that share the rewards rather than one guy with a funny name. This is why I will always put my steem into steempower, although I am new on the platform myself . I believe in the platform therefore I invest in it. I believed in Bitcoin therefore I invested in it.

With regards to Litecoin, I have always been skeptical. It is basically a piggy back ride on Bitcoins back.

MaideSafeCoin is also interesting because its network uses peer-to-peer technology which is basically building an entirely new internet. This in itself should make it very valuable, however they are having many technical difficulties and I think they will continue to do so for some time as yet. I joined last year and discovered that its members are not very friendly at all and I was frightened away. Most of them are super brained programmers and do not see the value of bloggers or content creators. So if you are not a programmer then you are not welcome at this time. A big mistake in my view. Whereas I had the very opposite experience on Steemit and I think it will not be too long before Steem jumps ahead of MaidSafeCoin on the Crypto-Currency Market.

Dash is very interesting to me but I am still trying to get my head round it. However it has a very good reputation and an amazing super intelligent lady called Amanda B Johnson spends much time promoting and explain it. She always makes a strong case. As long as someone with a "reputation" backs an Alt coin then its chances of survival will increase. I have not invested in DASH but only because I do not quite grasp it yet. I know it has the best anonymity protocol but that could all change when STELTH comes out for Bitshares.

There is much talk about Monero but honestly my gut instinct tells me to be weary of it. No other reason than that.
For what its worth, my top crypto investments are

I have a plan A/B and am now working on C. I am took over control of my food storage, I bought a freezedrier. I am having so much fun while preparing food items we all love, and in the healthiest way possible (I think). I have just figured out how to get photos onto my steemit, so tomorrow I will be showing freezedried shredded cheese, as well as freezedried blackberry yogurt drops. I feel comfortable with my choices of protecting my family :)