My roommate is going to sell most of his clothes in fleamarket so he can hedge against upcoming collapse in financial markets.
If you think he's mad, think again. Gold derivates have been over-leveraged for some time. When people lose faith in QE and want to see their gold in the flesh, things will fall apart. Just couple of notions:
-Central banks have been buying gold for few years because they know what's up with QE.
-Gold price is manipulated.
-Stock market soars but there not really growth in economy.
-BRICS-countries are going to sell oil without dollars. What would happen all the dollars in circulation around the world?
I have no time to go in details, but if you just take a look how big base money in FEDs balance sheet has grown and ask yourself how big portion have come out as new loans. It's not much. There is going to be lots of dollars and it's going to dilute your few buck.