Shaming Success, Encouraging PovertysteemCreated with Sketch.

in money •  7 years ago  (edited)


It’s totally okay to make money, don’t let the totalitarian leftist shills tell you otherwise. You know this motto has already became like a guilt-based mind-control propaganda.

Various leftist shills tell you that “money is the root of evil” or that “rich people are evil” or things like that.

Making you feel guilty about making money and living a reasonable middle-class lifestyle. So what is the alternative?

Well of course you should be a slave whipped around by debt and living from paycheck to paycheck of course, according to them.

I mean if they convince you that you should feel guilty about making money, then automatically their solution is to be poor. I mean literally I see leftist circles praising poverty. It’s mind control.


First of all there is no moral argument against money. Money is a double edged sword it can be used for both good and bad, and it’s up to the character of the individual and his virtues whether he will use it for good or bad.

If you think that you will become evil once you are rich, then you are already evil. You won’t become evil after that, you already are evil.

And if you think you are a good person that sticks to his principles, then that won’t change after you rise up the ladder of society a little bit.

Worshiping Poverty

We know that the Government doesn’t really want people to get out of poverty. I mean none of the welfare programs help people out of poverty. They just make poor people dependent on welfare and make them political slaves that will be used to vote for more welfare.

Combine that with guilt-shaming success, and you end up with a perfect Stalinist mind-control program that will make the slaves feel bad if they think they could escape their poverty.

So you should not escape poverty, you should be a slave begging for welfare, that is the message that these totalitarians are giving to you.

You see hundreds of places where this message is repeated over and over again including: leftist media, churches, new age gurus, politicians,etc…

Good people with Power

So yes success is shamed on and they encourage people to be passive slaves, consumerists, who just consume and live in misery, while the Elite is getting richer and richer.

You see an immoral person will not care about morality. You can tell a psychopath a million times to be humble, he won’t listen and won’t care. But if you tell a moral person to not become successful, then he will listen and feel ashamed if he makes money.

So the moral person will remain poor, while the evil psychopath will get richer and richer.

If we want the Elite to be moral, then we should stop with this shaming of success, and we should encourage good people to make some money to have enough power in society to do good.

So the only way to make the playing field equal is to encourage good people to become rich and successful to offset the evil being done by the current Elite.

You know thousands of Libertarians are getting rich now with cryptocurrencies, this will have some impact on the political landscape, and perhaps offset some of the evil being done by the current Elite.


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Very nice post, and I think very much along your philosophy/perspective.

I posted this a few hours ago... - you might enjoy...

If you think that you will become evil once you are rich, then you are already evil.👌