Truth About Money, Pt 2: How Currency Is An Illusion Created By The Global Elite To Enslave The Masses

in money •  8 years ago 

Picking up where we left off from “The Truth About Money Pt 1” (If you have not yet read it, it is a very valuable read and makes this post much better)--

So Congress has given their constitutionally-granted privilege and RESPONSIBILITY to print money over to the private corporation that is the Federal Reserve. Now if Congress needs money, they ask the Fed who turns on their printing presses and whips up $1 billion.

Now the Fed gives $1 billion to Congress and says, “Now sign this contract which says that you agree to pay back the face value of $1 billion plus interest.” Plus interest!!!

So We the People are now spending and using a fiat currency. If you actually look on the dollar bills, it says that it’s a debt note--it doesn’t even call it money: “This note is legal tender for all debt public and private.”


It says what it is; it’s right there on the face. It’s a debt note--you can use it to pay all debts. That’s all it is--DEBT! It’s actually not money at ALL! It’s pure debt--that’s all it is!

You can’t exchange it for gold. It has no intrinsic value. It’s not regulated by Congress. All these fiat currencies now have tracking devices in them too, so the powers that be can see any stockpiles of cash and track it with a satellite. You can actually cut the bills and pull out the clear plastic strip on there, and it’s got a bar code on there. 


So this is a debt note--all it is is debt. The reason why I can prove that (and you don’t have to believe anything I say, you can research all of this) is the Federal Reserve prints all this paper currency. There’s no backing of gold. It is just paper; there’s no intrinsic value! The only value is the perception, the perceived value. It’s not backed by gold! There’s no gold in Ft. Knox; it’s just paper. Yes you can buy your food with it, but that's simply because people have been indoctrinated via the institution to value this fiat currency with NO inherent value. 

The value is an illusion created by the global elite made real by the billions of people giving it value. 

The government takes this paper and agrees to pay back not only face value but interest. 

The only “money” = fiat currency we have in the United States is the Federal Reserve note. . Let’s just say there’s $1 billion printed. Now there’s 1 billion $1 bills in the United States economy--there can only be 1 billion of them at a time. People can pay one another with them, pay each other’s debts blah blah blah…

If you have to pay back $1 billion + interest, how can you pay back $1 billion + $500,000 to cover the interest if there are only 1 billion $1 notes???

You can’t! It’s totally impossible! 

So every single time you take out a loan, and again they’re not even giving us anything--it’s a total scam! It’s a total fraud. If they were actually giving us stacks of gold, it would be one thing, but they’re not. They’re just printing money! They’re using the same materials, the same inks, the same printing presses that potentially anyone can get ahold of and print and do the exact same thing and then be arrested and incarcerated for counterfeiting--they’re doing the exact same thing. They’re just printing printing printing, printing printing printing except now there’s a contract that’s being signed: “We agree to pay back not only the face value, but also interest.”

So every single time the government takes a loan, we’re at more debt than we were before. We’ve been in debt for many, many, many years, and the debt is more every single year. You can look this up! You can look at graphs and charts and see the US debt up to now, and it’s just insane!


You can also look at how the dollar has lost 1% of value every single year since the creation of the Federal Reserve 100 years ago. This is a fact!


So right now, the value is down here--it’s 99% less value than it had 100 years ago.

That’s because of inflation; all they do is print more paper. It’s not gold, it’s not silver; it’s just paper. The only reason America has been so powerful and successful this long is because the scam tricked the world. Just like the Americans got tricked, the world got tricked the exact same way. We’re printing this paper, and then we’re giving it to China, and they’re giving us all this...crap, really. Or we’re giving it to Africa, and they’re giving us their gold, or Costa Rica and they are giving us their bananas. 

Just imagine: if you were to go upstairs to your printer, get on your computer and be like, “Ok, I wanna go get a car and go get a dinner and maybe buy a plane ticket to Hawaii…” and you go on there and go, “Ok, I need $10,000 for that and $5,000 for that and $35,000 for that…” and you print out 3 checks. And then you go to the store and give them check #1, and then you go to the car dealership and you give them check #2, and you go to the travel agency and you give them check #3, and bam bam bam it’s all done! 

It’s the exact same thing with the Federal Reserve; there’s no difference, except that no one would accept your notes as value because they’ve never seen them before, because they’re not standardized. There’s no more inherent value to what you just did than to what the Federal Reserve is doing. 

We’ve been doing the same thing, not only with the people in the United States, but also to people in other countries. We’ll go to Africa and we’ll be like, “Yeah, we’ve got all this paper here that’s got all this value to it, and you can use it to get oil from other countries!” 

That was the big thing--that the dollar bill has been the standard market value for oil for a long, long, long time. All oil was traded based on the dollar. The USD is refered to as the petro dollar, the USD is the world trade currency.  What that means is if you bought oil, you had to buy USD to buy oil and to do any international trade for that matter. 


The United States tricked the rest of the world into buying its paper and then using it to buy oil. They are just printing and printing and printing that stuff! That’s why they have become so powerful--they give people paper, and they give us their oil! They give us their gold! They give us their chocolate! They give us their milk and their wheat and their corn! They give us whatever we want for this paper that we just print

In a way, it’s a really bad ass deal for the United States economy, but it’s really bad for everyone else, including the individuals. 

The people here in the United States, yeah we’ve got a lot. If you’ve ever been to Africa or to India and you’ve seen the way that most people live, most of those people are living on $1a day.  There’s a lot of people who are living on way less than $1 a day; that’s common there (...just imagine what your life would be like if you made $1 a day!). Most of those people work too, they’re not just sitting around taking food stamps and watching TV and taking Medicaid and going to homeless shelters--none of that stuff even exists! They’re working all day long to make that $1. 

In India, for example, they don’t rely so much on machines because man labor is so cheap. They don’t have lawnmowers; they just go to a working class person and pay him 10 or 20 cents and hour, and he’ll trim the lawn with scissors. They don’t even have a push mower because that’s too expensive!


They’ll take a pair of scissors, and they’ll trim the whole lawn, and they’ll get paid $1 or $1.25 for their day’s work. When they build a road or a railroad, they don’t have a machine that comes in there and breaks up the pavement and picks it up and puts it in the dump truck--they have Indian men who walk around with sledgehammers, and they’re beating on this road until they crack it into pieces. Then there’s other dudes that are just wearing these little rags around their genitalia, and they’re picking up all of these little pieces of cement, and they’re putting it in their basket, putting it on their head, and walking it to a big truck and dumping it in there. 


They can pay these guys 10 or 20 cents an hour to do that! They don’t have to buy the machine and pay for the oil changes and the gas to run it; it’s not worth it. They just pay the guys. 

Here in the United States, you can’t do that. Ten to twelve bucks an hour is low. Even poor people in the US are spending more in a day than people in India or Africa will make in a month. 

You have to realize that Africa, for example, is one of the richest places in the whole world--when I say “richest”, I mean the inherent value of the land. Almost all the cacao, which is what chocolate is made of, comes out of Africa now. Billions and billions of dollars of chocolate in Europe & the United States & Australia & even China now, most of it’s coming out of Africa. Africa is the largest exporter of bananas, and they have vast amounts of gold.

Africa is one of the richest continents. They grow coffee there. They have lots and lots of resources. Not to mention slaves: for many, many years Europeans and Americans were going over there and grabbing them by the neck like you would a stray cat, putting them in a cage, and shipping them over here. Then we demanded their labor without reimbursement--”You’re gonna do this for me because I say so, and I’m not even gonna pay you for it! I’ll feed you some straw; I’ll feed you some oats. You can eat with the pigs!”--just like animals.
It’s real interesting to look at the psychology and consciousness and spirituality of things like that...but it’s a fact, that happened. Slavery was real. 

But how much different is it really now? How much different is it really now if we are buying the chocolate, gold, coffee, clothes, silk, cotton--the real resources with real value from Africa or India or South America and all we’re doing is giving them a piece of paper that we just print??

Not only that, but we’re not even giving them that much, because like I said they’re only getting paid 10 or 20 cents an hour. Their economy is only that low because of the value that they’re getting for  everything that we’re exchanging, and we’re getting way more! It’s just totally and completely out of balance. 

It’s not because we’re stronger physically; they’re actually way stronger physically. We’re not necessarily smarter. It’s just that there’s a few people that have devised these systems of control and are utilizing them. America just happens to be one of the countries that appears to be on the top; we appear to be getting the good end of it. 

The truth is there HAS to be poor, war-torn, third world countries to keep the illusion of control and power going. The Global Elite needs places like Africa and the Middle East to serve as examples. 

If people were not terrified of poverty and war, they would not rely on the mega governments for their “protection” and “providence". I mean, look at all the rich countries these days: the government provides food stamps, welfare, medical etc., etc. People NEED that now. People are terrified of NOT having that now. So they follow all the rules of the police state. 

How good can it really be? That’s just one side of the coin. The other side of the coin is real and it exists, and we’re just as responsible for it as anyone else is. That is why I founded The Garden of Eden.

There are countries and continents and whole civilizations that are living on a dollar a day. Simultaneously, we’ve got a military that in one year’s budget can feed the entire world.


One year’s budget of the United States military can feed the entire world. That’s a LOT of money and value.
We’re making more in one hour than some Indians and Africans are making in a whole month, and that’s just the lower class people here.

But simultaneously, we’re not actually that healthy. The people here are often times way more obese, have way less energy, are more tired and depressed, they have skin problems and bone and organ problems, asthma, allergies, cancer and all these ailments.

So what is it really worth to be wealthier? 

Maybe, just maybe there are more important things than wealth and lots of stuff. Or maybe its more imporant to get what we have honorably and sustainably rather than through force and opression. 

The problem is we only know what we know. We were born into this, this is how our country has been our entire life. We don't ponder or debate these things in school, not even in church. So while we are talking about the truth about how money works, I propose we also consider the truth about our relationship with money and the impact it has on the earth as a whole. 

I shall end this part 2 of “The Truth About Money” on this note: I judge not and hope that everyone learns something or at least considers perspective before unconsidered. 

There is nothing wrong with money, just like there is nothing wrong with guns. It is all about how they are used, the relationship with it. One can make money honorably and use it  honorably, just as one can use a gun honorably. Yet the truth is that currency is a control tool devised by global elite, and people around the world have become enslaved by it. Currency is NOT money. Just by USING a fiat currency one is participating in the great global scam enslaving the world.

This is a lot of dark, diabolical truths. It's important to comprehending how the world really works, but there are solutions. In this multi-part series, I will be sharing the solutions to not only having greater success and freedom, but also to participating in a much more healthy, sustainable, and honorable global dynamic. 

Thanks for reading and pondering. 

                            We are the power; may we claim it~*~


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suffrage against gravity! good work, sir.

I am grateful you appreciate the article as I only write and share them because I hope to bring value to the people~

Thank you for doing the research, for the awareness you have and share with the people. Anyone reading this and understanding even the basics are in for a huge shift in perspective. I am actually amazed at how many people are aware of this information and actually do nothing about it but feel frustrated and helpless. I"m really glad you are creating a living example at the Garden of Eden. Raising awareness and showing there is a better way is tangible. Perhaps when people can see they have options, they will step up with personal responsiblity, come together and live the solution. This is a really great post--awesome and disgusting at the same time!! Keep shining the light!

Thank you @quinneaker for laying it out so clearly! I'm looking forward to rest of this series on The Truth About Money. I've felt this, I've sensed this for a really long time, but I've never been able to put my finger on it...consumerism doesn't feel right, supporting the money system doesn't feel right, but I couldn't explain've pointed out the illusion and named that which I sensed and couldn't call into words. This is powerful! I highly respect your ability to identify and succinctly communicate and bring awareness to the illusion, and to do so fearlessly and honorably. Now that I know, I have a choice. Slavery doesn't suit me, so I'm choosing freedom.

This knowledge is truly life changing. So many foundations of our reality are intertwined with this and when truly comprehended has great implication.
The key is to find responsible fulfilling upgrades without getting caught up in blame, judgement, guilt, etc.
There are always solutions. Awareness is required first~*~

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This 30 minute entertaining cartoon with 6 million views explains the human history of attempts to print unbacked IOUs. I highly recommend it.

There are so many levels to this information.
Thank you for breaking it down simply and being on top of the truth.
Thank you also for sharing -- this is important, life changing information for anyone who can see the implications.

Yes...It really does take a while to sink in...I remember when I first became aware of this information and even then it was like "WOW!" "HOLY shit!" yet as I began to see and experience the world with this knowledge more and more of my relationship with the world began to change. The more I realized how these truths are woven into the foundation of almost all aspects of life and influence the experience of life it self greatly~*~

Main problem of the world is not money as it self , it's the greedy money hunger lunatics . They promote same story all over again " we are doin this to protect America " ( just an example ) . Ok so you are protecting . But your protection making other people's suffering . You steel other country resources , you destroying whole countries , societies , the way of life . And that's is all under curtain " for our people " . You mentioned Africa , continent teared apart with wars , clans and tribes killings , hunger , health issues and so on . Africa has wealth to sustain it self . But nooo , we are gona rip you of from what you have , then we will repack 1 % of that and thru UN we will send it back like bags of fluor , sugar , water . Europe is the most to blame for that , Europe leaders , kings from the past are made biggest rip off in history of man in last 300-400 years . England , France ,Holland , Belgium , Spain , Portugal , countries made of other countries wealth . They have selectively riped off half of the planet .
People needs to be educated on what is going on in the world , this madness needs to stop. Guns are not tools for that , it's the knowledge .

I pointed this out very clearly. Money like guns is not the problem, it is how it is used.
Education is the key as the masses have been programed. That is why I went to great length to write this post.
Hope you felt it was valuable and will tune into the next parts.
Best Regards~*~

Will do for sure . Tanks


Crazy stuff! Potentially very depressing. Fortunately there are infinite solutions for those who seek.


Nice food for thought. I agree that about the messed up part of spending more on out defense budgets then most countries get as a whole. I also have an issue with our health as Americans and the weight problems.

There are SOOO many issues to address. Most of which I have at some point at a conference or as a consultant but I have only just begun to address major issues here on Steemit!
I hope to be able to bring solutions to very real problems in the days to come here on Steemit~
Bless it be~*~

Cool Post
Looking Forward
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This is a fantastic community for sharing!
I am excited about the potential for all of us!

this is great

So grateful that you find value in it! This means that life empowering change is likely!

Very good and well written article! It's only a matter of time before the dollar is absolutely worthless.

Oh yes~
It is not a question of if, it is a question of when. There are many factors at hand, but less than a year is very likely.

I suddenly feel like taking off my sweater and changing my loafers...

Well sometimes truth is dark, yet even this when consciously and responsibly processed, leads to a life of more fulfillment and benevolence~

Since you've now explained that I'm living in "The Land of Make-Believe".

Of illusion. It like when people read a book....They put them selfs in the story and experience vicariously through it. Currency ONLY has value because people give it value. Otherwise it is hollow and empty.

Gold has no intrinsic value EITHER. The value of anything is what other people agree it is. Can you eat gold? no. Can you use it to hide from rain? No. What can it do? Just be heavy and shiny. But then again, lots of things are heavy and shiny.

Gold has no intrinsic value, just like paper has no intrinsic value. Gold, like paper, is only valuable as a medium of exchange. You take it, because you know you can give it to someone else who will ALSO take it.

You silly people and your gold obsession.

Hahaha your silly if that's the only thing u got out of this extensive post!
Also gold has MANY important uses. All the electronics we use require gold. Technology in general requires gold and gold has many healing qualities.
There is also a reason all the most powerful people in the world for thousands of years surrounded them selfs with it.

Humanity has a gigantic demand for the ability to carry money around with them and in a broader sense conduct trade with very little friction. This demand is what gives intrinsic value to many precious metals, because they are difficult to counterfeit and the value is actually stored locally instead of needing to trust a third party.

Likewise, blockchain technology also has intrinsic value because it accomplishes the same goals even faster, cheaper and more reliably than precious metals. The technology itself is valuable, but the individual currencies are only valuable because of winning competition for customers.

I agree that gold is liked too much. There are astroids in orbit that contain more gold than all the gold mined and mining scouts are already being built. "No intrinsic value" should not be a negative concept in the first place. It can mean it has no "natural" value, or that its value relies on some other thing being true. Either its bad because its 'unnatural', or it is bad because if someone were stranded alone on an island with it they would not have a use for it.

If someone were stranded on an island cryptocurrency nor cash would be of any value either! So thats a horrible example. Otherwise everyone should ONLY BUY AND CARRY things that can be used on an island when stranded.....hahahahaha though I like that...Would be great to see people only having things that are valuable to actually survival VS the accumulation of STUFF.