RE: A Repeat of the First Great Economic Collapse?

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A Repeat of the First Great Economic Collapse?

in money •  7 years ago 

Great read, it's a shame that the majority of people don't understand fiat and the consequence of quantitative easing or as you quite rightly stated history were monetary polices have imploded numerous times and devastated everyone bar the weathly

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Right information is the key. Share to care and may we all learn from it

The Greeks were said to be the first to start an international currency with a coin of 67 grains of silver over the centuries this was reduced to 65 grains.

Along came the Romans and Nero started messing with the coins by reducing the gold and silver and adding base metals. So in essence devaluing one coin in order to make more.

Which at the time is modern day quantitative easing, ok so they are not removing gold from our coins but by adding to the circulation means the ones you do have are now inherently worth less , but even that is an oxymoron how do you measure the worth at this moment in time the notes in ones pockets seen as they are backed by nothing.

I think you will enjoy this read -
