This is exactly amount which I earn in this program atm. It is RevShare but support with socialmedia site like Facebook. I wrote about this here:
Today I will give only numbers and pure facts. Basicly program pays You 120% of Your invest in 120 days just for watching 10 ads every day. But thats not everything! You get payed every single day 1%.
I start small wtih 150$ it was slow start and I decide to put more money in.
I reinvest every 50$ which i earned for now. What it means? In total I invest 2500$ of my own money but now 4800$ works for me. I have 96 adpacks which every single one is worth 50$. My daily earnings looks like this:
27th i forgot to click ads on time but dont worry adpack will be just working longer to make total profit 120%. You can check how much your adpack generate money
Like i said this is RevShare so it means You can earn for inviting people which invest money in it.
Every 5% of Your earning goes to separate account which can't be withdrawal. You can only use that money only inside the program ( I use that money to pay abonament) You can buy more ad views also for it.
Each 50$ pack gives You 800 views for Your ad. If You have own website this is perfect deal for You!
This how it looks in my total summary:
It is really good thing! Start making Your passive income. Strategy is easy. Now I can withdraw 100$ every week and rest money reinvest which means i will be able keep daily income on same level. Good luck join my team and earn easy money.
You can register here: (my affiliate link)
The information contained in this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. Accordingly, the author assumes no responsibility for investment decisions made on the basis of the content contained in the material or any instructional material.