Money out of thin air either as an unusual way to make a fortune

in money •  9 years ago 

My next article is about business and finance.

All of us from childhood were taught that patience and a little effort, that you will not catch a fish out of the pond easily. And many, many such phrases tell us, in order to teach that only hard work can achieve something. Yes, in some ways our parents are right. Work is necessary. But here's the modern world of business and money, the history of wealthy people is increasingly loosening the idea.

Today, the main thing is the ability to not just work, and work effectively. In adult life, nobody cares how much time you spend, the main thing that you have achieved what you set up, how well do their job. In addition, it is important to have the flair, creativity, the ability to react quickly and be decisive.

Modern Millionaires rarely collect their money for years. Most often it happens that grow rich on any date and the winning idea. For something unusual, revolutionary, non-standard and interesting. In this article, I would like to see some extraordinary success stories and to think, why so people earned their money the state.

The very first comes to mind is the story, in my opinion, an American who placed an ad in the newspaper about this content: "I'll tell you how to make a million for a dollar!". From the readers wanted to send a dollar to the author, and he, in turn, must open the secret. Everything turned out just to corny - the audience of the newspaper was very broad and want to learn the secret of easy money was so much that the author and do nothing, received by mail a sum equal to almost one million. In gratitude, he opened his "secret" of thanking all the pages of all of the same newspaper.

But it is the history of a rare earnings. It is unlikely that it will be repeated. While somewhere in the same work all sorts of dummy selling under the guise of a miracle-pill "Lose 10 kilos in a week" all in the same newspapers and magazines. Or "brought to your home wealth, happiness and good luck for the 100 hryvnia sent by mail." The people in the total mass, apparently does not learn, since such schemes are still in operation.

One of the most enjoyable ways to make money is to promote their own interests. What? It seems to be a favorite thing to do, rather like and get paid for it. Now it is the direction of earnings has become very popular. Sale of hand-made goods, homemade natural cosmetics and other seemingly trash can bring good income. For example, Anne-Marie Faiola of Washington State, has turned his love of cooking nice homemade soap business, which is currently estimated at three million dollars. Nothing like this, right?

But Joe Maddalena childhood fond of collecting. Like all boys, he collected baseball cards, comic books, took autographs from athletes and interesting people. Having become a little older, the boy sold his collection and opened the auction Profiles in History, which sells historical documents, letters of famous people. This Statement Joe amassed 2 million.

Programmers and gamers Marcus Persson made money in the mobile video game Minecraft. The first thirty-two years of his life he was lazy but talented programmer who do not want too much strain. But here he wanted to make a product that would have liked to him. Later it was found that not only to him. Last year alone, the game earned him more than four million.

Let's make a proper hobby is not so much and original in our time. Where interesting look unusual ways of earning. For example, two students who owed money for their studies decided to earn extra money by renting their faces as advertising space. Yes, their faces painted emblems of some firms. Ridiculous? And the guys in the first week earned about three thousand dollars.

Another fun way to make money was invented in Ireland. Through the Internet they sell Irish soil - bags of earth sent to the customer by mail. Immigrants from Ireland, homesick and thus becoming closer to him, bringing the company-organizer of two hundred million dollars a year.

You probably know that you can easily buy a star. The most real, heavenly. It will be called by thy name, and even some of your certificate with the coordinates of space property will be presented. This made very good money, because many romantics, people like to think that somewhere they have their own light. Even from him to them any good, and own the star he is, in fact, can not.

An interesting story on its earnings, it would seem the problem. Men are afraid to go bald (or at least many of them). But enterprising bald Brandon Chikotski as students of history above, it advertises everything that is possible. But, on his bald head. And it gets for about ten thousand dollars a month.

In order to make serious cash you need to be able to use the situation. Let us remember the December 21, 2012, better known as "100% End of the World." This buzz has been earned by more than one million dollars! All of these kits for survival bunkers "perezhidaniya disaster" brought nimble businessmen, who played in the alarmist, a decent profit! People spend a lot on a place in the "underground arks" and "buckwheat, salt, toilet paper," end of the world did not happen, the money spent in vain. And someone and earned.

Well, the latest history / way to make money, clearly showing the name of this article! Chinese Chen Guanbyao sells air. Yes, jars with air, a dollar apiece. And all because that Beijing from time to time covering the thick smog from emissions from factories and residents of the city actually bought a jar with clean air.

the air is not a single sale. In these jars with oxygen earn souvenir shops: the air of Paris, London, the air breathed celebrity - inventing different marketing pieces. And people are buying. The main thing that was unusual!

As you can see, you can earn different. Above it was presented true stories of unusual earnings. Some of them are funny, and some support the idea that I'm trying to convey in his many articles - do something that brings you pleasure, and be open to new. Perhaps it is you will earn a million in some interesting way!

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  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

Great read