Maybe, someday

in money •  7 years ago 

You know,
If I live long enough,
And do nothing else but... Not die,

Someone, somewhere,
Is going to have a new fucking idea.

It won't be a GOOD idea.
But it will be NEW!

And when it fails,
It will fail in a way I haven't already seen play out a thousand times.
And that might be NOT BORING AS HELL.
It's possible.

The problem with socialism is that the richest 1% take control of all the resources, and fuck the poor.
The problem with communism is that the richest 1% take control of all the resources, and fuck the poor.
And the problem with capitalism is that the richest 1% take control of all the resources, and fuck the poor.

Call me crazy, but,
I'm detecting a theme in all these systems.
A common thread.

I wonder what it might be that keeps going so wrong?

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And the problem with Steemit is that the richest 1% take control of all the resources, and fuck the poor.

Shocking, right?