Ultimate Refund Guide for Amazon ! Free Stuff ahead !

in money •  8 years ago 

 Refund | Double Dip | Triple Dip | Double Dip + Refund | Transfer AGC Amazon!

In this tutorial I will be explaining the following.​ 

  • How to refund/ replace a recent order.​
  • How to refund / replace an order from years ago on the account.​
  • How to double dip.​
  • How to triple dip.​
  • How to double dip + refund an order.​
  • How to transfer Amazon Giftcards to another account.​
  • How to unblacklist your account and receive a refund.​

If you're and advanced Social  Engineer and not new to SE´ing then you should know most of  what I will be covering in this tutorial.

Ok finally let me begin,
I will start off with a simple refund or replace a recent order,
All you need to do is go into livechat or call it's totally personal  preference but calling is much easier and it get's it done a lot  quicker.
Excuses to use
*(these are all well know excuses I won't be discussing any private methods that I use)

"Hello my recent order (insert  order number here ) shows as signed for at my address but I was in the  day of the delivery and I have not received my order."

(If  you get a nice rep or dumb whichever you choose to call them) they will  apologize and ask if you would like a refund or replacement it's up to  you which one you want. If on the other hand you get a shitty rep that  likes to ask questions they will most likely say oh we must investigate  this with the carrier to bypass this quickly tell them that you have  already called about this issue earlier on and that the other rep was  processing a refund or replacement when your internet or phone cut off,  there are a lot of excuses don't just use this one .
​"Hello  I received my recent order a couple of days ago but when I received the  delivery the box felt really light weight, I opened the packaging only  to find that it was empty I'm not sure what to do about this could you  help me please?"

And again if you get a decent rep they will apologize and offer a refund or replacement.
​"Hello I received my order a couple of days ago but the main item is missing from the box".

Use this when ordering items such as phones laptops anything that has  more than one part inside the box you can also do this for orders with  multiple items say you buy a gpu plus a motherboard plus some case fans  just tell the rep the motherboard and gpu were missing they will refund  those items so basically you would only be paying for the case fans  obviously you want to only pay for the cheapest item in the order.

"Hello I received my order today  (insert order number here) but I am afraid that the item I ordered is  water damaged I do not know how but the box it was delivered in was  soaked through and has completely broken my item.


"Hello I recently checked my account and can see a few unauthorized purchases."

use this  excuse only when shipping to a reship although it does work most of the  time when sending items to your home address. Just be careful with this  one and make sure you have already reshipped the items to your house  before doing this as the rep will call the re-shipper and ask them to  send back the items.

Ok now heres an excuse to refunding an order from years ago,

"Hello I was just going through my orders and noticed an order from a long time ago that was not delivered to me."
(they will ask you for the order number give it to them if you are lucky they will offer to replace or refund it straight away.)

Last few tips,​ 

  1. Check that the item is in stock before wanting to replace the item.​
  2. Use a  VPN or proxy when SE'ing them they can read the IP log from your account  easpecially if you're using hacked / cracked accounts.​
  3. Don't be a total noob and copy the excuses from the thread make up your own it will only help improve your SE'ing.​

 Double Dipping/ Triple Dipping / Double Dipping + Refund

It is entirely the same principle for  double dipping, triple dipping and double dipping + refund just use a  mixture of the excuses above for example you have ordered the item you  want it's now at your house tell them it hasn't came or parts were  missing or the box was empty get them to replace the item then once the  replacement is delivered repeat the steps to get a second replacement there you have now triple dipped the item you ordered so you paid for only one of the item but got three in total. This  is hard to do with high value items so be careful and don't be greedy  they close your account after 4-5 refunds anyway. It's the same steps  for double dip + refund you can even quad dip if your good enough!

Another way of getting the rep to refund or  replace the item is to order something that could leak out onto your  item buy something cheap like a bottle of water or any type of liquid,  Once the order is delivered tell them that shit leaked onto your other  items ruining them.

*Ok  so that's the very basics of refunding / replacing orders now I will  move on to transferring Amazon Gift Cards from one account to another.

Basically to transfer the AGC balance it  has to be intact ie the full amount which the giftcard was for once you  have access to the account with the AGC balance simply go into livechat  and tell the rep either that you redeemed it on the wrong account and  you need it added to the correct account or that you simply want to gift  it to your friend and that you would like it transfered to their  account it's as simple as that. I quick tip for all you SE'rs use this  method to refund over and over simply buy some AGC load it onto your  account then buy the item you want, refund it then transfer the AGC  rinse and repeat!


Moving on this will be the last thing I  discuss in this tutorial so far I hope most of you have learned  something new and I hope I could help imrpve your SE'ing skills. Evil  The last thing I am going to discuss is unblacklisting your account so  you can complete a refund to do this you simply email [email protected]  telling them that you need access to your account to print your order  invoices and that you need them for tax / revenue purposes be sure to  include your email name and billing address when emailing them they will  email you back within 48 hours explainging how they have unlocked you  account for 24 hours you can now go ahead and get that refund you wanted  from the blacklisted account.

As always, ofcourse use this guide on your own discretion. The worst thing that can happen really is that your account gets disabled.

Enjoy free Stuff :)

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Hmm. I don't agree with this. There are many ways and times you can 'stick it to the man' but this is just immoral and fraudulent. Ultimately we will all pay more as they will just jack up the prices to counter their losses.

Yeah agreed, this is not SE, it's fraud.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. I totally agree this is immoral and up to everyone if he feels this is something to consider.
I have some personal grudge versus amazon though.

I do understand the personal grudge thing!! 😀

always remember they don't pay taxesx

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Hey everybody i have two question i want know if that always work in 2020 (in june) and if somebody can me give more information i take absolutly any help thank's you very much

In case of "get item for free+ refund", it does work (Their chat bot, who handles refunds, doesn't ask inconvinient questions and refunds straight out as soon as you ask him to, even if your item was 100% delivered). Can't say anything about double dips etc.

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