An Economy without Money

in money •  8 years ago  (edited)

Is it possible to have a economy without any form of money? It is possible, but we have to weed out the bad apples to really turn our economy around. I do believe getting rid of money is the solution to end tyranny. Lets be realistic about who rules the world. Its the big private corporations. These big private corporation owns the media and has control of how society works. This is what causes the greed that begins to fills peoples minds and also the division that keeps us apart.

People act violent when it comes to actually saving money. A good example is Black Friday at Walmart. How do these people become so violent. Part of it is from media. Walmart makes a commercial giving these super deals that other businesses can't match and now everyone wants that amazing deal. The commercial hypnotizes us to go into almost a zombie like state and will become extremely violent over saving a few more dollars. What people don't realize is most of the deals are not much different then the deals they had before. They just commercialize it in a way to make us turn into greedy zombies. They love we are fighting in the stores over their products. I have seen people complain over costs in every situation imaginable. It turns into physical fighting. This could come to a end if we didn't use money.

What happens when we want more money? A lot of people gamble. The greed makes them go to the casino and gamble their money away on games where the odds are never in their favor. But the pretty lights on the slot machine, or the joy of winning a few times at craps becomes contagious and we go into this zombie state. The more we lose, the more we play to try to win our losses back. And it starts this death spiral until we are flat broke. Then we become desperate and might even take the risk on trying to rob and even hurt someone. At this point with no money we feel as if we have nothing to lose. Private companies love that when people no longer care. When people don't care they will go after whatever they want at any price.

How powerful would these corporations be without money? They might still have some power, but not where they are at today. Think if we traded like they did before money existed. We traded goods for others goods. By trading peer to peer and leaving these powerful companies out of it, they don't have the power to control us anymore. Instead of using all these nice new gadgets we go back to the old ways to fix society. We have more problems and debt now they we ever had before. So why not try an economy with no money involved? Why can't we just do what jesus says. Be friends with thy neighbor. Going back to learning the power of giving back to each other instead of trying to take can solve a lot of problems we have today. Everyone is getting more isolation then ever before, staying in their home on a computer and the more we isolate from one another the less we care for each other.

So why not use trading goods and services for goods and services? A Barter System would work great. People complain it doesn't work cause some items are to big and we can't carry it along. That is an absurd rebuttal. We have transportation to transport anything we want. If someone really wants something we own and we want something they own we will do whatever it takes to get it. And from working peer to peer we also work together to help each other out. But why do people say a Barter System doesn't work? Well that part has to do with the Government. They can't charge taxes if we use a Barter System. They are now cut out of the deal and we trade among ourselves. If we can just get rid of taxes we stop the high way robbery we face year after year. In my opinion taxes is a way of stealing money from people without kicking in their front door.

Think about all the license we have to get. Why can't we just trade teaching how to drive for some food instead of getting a drivers license at DMV? Cutting out the money we have to spend to buy different kind of licenses can save a lot of time and money. I even had to get a dog license or I was threatened I would face a heavy fine. I wanted to go fishing and the license and permit just to fish on a lake was around 80 dollars. That is not even including the bait and tackle. And you can get a limit of 5 measily trout. Id rather just by it at the store. Money just causes more fees and more problems as time goes by. These big private corporations, Governments, Cities begin to get to much power and momentum of power turns into more greed(regulations). Then all of these regulations and fees come in and prices continue to go up and we see more bums on the streets.

All of the problems we have today can end with an economy with no money. Then governments, corporations, and regulators are pushed out of the way. Trading peer to peer will be the most powerful way to change how society works. This is what society is supposed to be about. Helping each other out. Not these people becoming big powerful people as they accumulate more money. It only leads to them controlling our entire society. We live like we are zombies. A slave to money. We have so much crime, divorces, even suicide because of money. It doesn't have anything to do with race or what neighborhood we live in, or someone is not mentally stable. The money has turned us against each other and it gets worse and worse. Money is driving us to the point we can no longer be mentally stable.

The only way we can really stop it is by ending money. I do believe Crypto Currencies is a step in the right direction. But we still have a long way to go before we can learn to live in peace and harmony again. We are already seeing a lot of manipulation with Crypto Currencies. We are to greedy. The power of giving can turn everything around. It all starts with a nice gesture to take down these money hungry powerful people trying to take control of our minds today. As long as we stay greedy the elites are jumping for joy, becoming more powerful through a simple piece of paper called money.

Black Friday shopping chaos- YouTube
Trade and Barter- ProMarketMe INC.
Fishing License- PeteHeley.Com
Cartoon guy eating money-

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money isn't the problem. It's the equitable distribution of money that is the problem. The same problem would exist in a barter system. There will always be those who accumulate more and take advantage of others.

Money is the problem Its the root problem behind everything built around it its like the base of a tree because its easy to distribute to whoever they want. It is easy to make at a fast amount. The distribution part of money is like branch coming off the tree. It is one of the problems why money does not work. Think about all the regulations built around money and then here comes the IRS banging on your door. Everything you want to own or even drive you have to get a license for it. Now we are paying for all these fees even for just owning a dog. Then you see a bail out for these big companies banks, corporations etc because they produce the most jobs ( the enslavement of peoples lives) all done through money.

A barter system is completely different. It is built around supply and demand. It would cut out the banks ( no more use for them) the regulators ( they can't control people trading) and governments( from making as much as they want at a fast pace) Without all these things people can trade things with each other at a much cheaper price. No regulations lower costs and people are free to trade however to whoever they want. Every type of money made has failed throughout history. They inflate it at a extremely high amount and it fails. It doesn't work because of the eco system they build around it. The distribution part is just one part of the problem. Bartering never failed it was always pushed aside because people kept making money to have control and enslave people. When we trade peer to peer and take that power away from governments, bankers, and regulators it gives the people the power now to actually do whats fair for each other. it wont matter how much someone accumulates of anything in a barter system if what they are making is not in high demand. They will only be able to trade that particular product with people that need it. They can't monopolize the product cause it can be made or grown by others.

Hi @texasvsjohnson, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.