Have You Checked Out My Books? Economics Made SIMPLE!

in money •  7 years ago 


I have had the pleasure to be able to write two books now. One is on The History of Money and how it affects us all in the current events happening around the world and one book on the Canadian Economy.


I thought it would be a great idea to share with you these books because I believe they are very insightful, but yet very simple to read. They are written to help the everyday person to understand it. I feel most books on money and economics are too academic and overwhelming. I found this out by reading 100's of different books. I think there was a need for someone to tell the truth, but without the language of the elitist economists and bankers.

After six years of research, I wrote the First book back in 2014 The End Of Freedom: How Our Monetary System Enslaves Us.
This book was a book that was aimed at the new people that have heard something is wrong and wanted to understand more before jumping into the deep dark water of global economics and money.


It is now sold in over 15 countries worldwide in many bookstores. It helps the reader that are starting to look into the monetary system and money. Give them a pique into how money and economics works and helps them see why we have the current economic climate we have. By looking at the past. Winston Churchill once said. "The further you look back in the past the farther you can look into the future."

Here are a few important points I put forward in the book:
What money is and how your knowledge of how it works can help you thrive.

Historical events and how closely they relate to today’s events.

How current moves with monetary policy is creating two classes: Rich or Poor.

It explains why austerity is a way of governments to first make you addicted to them and then cutting your free money to enslave you further.

Explains how having money in your bank account is becoming dangerous.

How the monetary system works.

How bankers and governments enslave us by using our currency against us and controlling it.

How governments are colluding with corporations to create monopolies.

How war is used to cover up the failure of paper money and how war creates destruction of paper money!

After getting my first book out. I had a lot of people asking me about Canada. Since I currently live in Canada, I started to take the advice. I had the base of the book mad as I wrote in mid-2014 four blog posts on the Canadian economy. I called the blog post called. Canada, The Greatest Economy In The World? I built on these posts, and I wrote a 13 chapter book that went into great detail into the issues I see in the Canadian economy.

In my book I went into these points:

How the Canadian Dollar is heading for failure, and there is nothing the government or banks can do to stop it. Imagine a 90% loss of your net worth?

How real money, commodities might be able to save the Canadian Economy when it collapses and how Gold and Silver is like a life insurance policy just for your wealth.

How to take responsibility for your own money instead of giving it to the banks and the government The Facts You Are Not Being Told About Your Money. And How To Protect Yourself From The Coming Crises.


Canada is in shambles from government destroying the country through a corrupt banking system to Keynesian Ph.D. economists running the country into the ditch without understanding the past. When you don't look at the history, you cannot predict the future!

Canada's government is running it's citizens into a debt prison with the banksters printing money to infinity to keep the economy afloat. Debt is slushing around in Canada, and I wrote this back in 2014. Now Canada is the most indebted nation in the world.

I highly suggest you check out my books as they help me closer to be able to take the step to full-time analytics and focusing my life towards a full-time career in changing the world exposing the truth about our money, government and banking system.

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It is time to expose the cabal, and If you help me by buying my books and sharing them with your friends and family we can change this world forever! Remember you can always reach me at [email protected] or if you comment on any World Alternative Media videos or content or private message me.

You can find the books below:



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Nice book. :) The history of money.

Verry nice ....so exilent money history

:) good luck @theeconomictruth | @sarhadi

So amazing love to read this.

Good post