The Dark Money That Manipulates The Economy

in money •  7 years ago 

dark money.jpg

I have gone into a lot of different subjects on the money. I have talked about the FED and other Central Banks Manipulating the economy. There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there, but here is one that is out in the open, but still hidden from the public.

How often have you heard anyone mention the ESF (The Exchange Stabilization Fund)? Other than Rob Kirby and the last month a mention from Jim Rickards the Fund which is a slush fund/war chest that is used to manipulate the USD and keep it alive.

It is not mentioned as people that have dived into great depth on the topic has now disappeared and are hiding at an undisclosed location.

We are talking about a fund that is used to manipulate most likely gold, stocks, bonds and other investments through the shadow banking systems dark pools of money.

Please take time to listen to the video I have created that dives into the history of the ESF, the present and the future.

This is details the US Government won't let you see and it is time to expose them as lately $21T of unaccounted transactions was found in recent research.

You can find more of my work here on Steemit and on World Alternative Media on Youtube.

John Sneisen

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At this point it's common knowledge that the entire financial system is being propped up by the establishment. They will never allow another 2008-style meltdown.

People are making a big fuss bout Tether not being backed by USD, but it seems the USD is even more worthless than Tether.

It being common knowledge, but people think the FED is the only player :)

I think crises are often used the push an agenda. So people HAVE to opt for change, as in a crisis there is often little alternative.

And I think now we are prepared for a cashless society.

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That video is an eye-opener. Thank you for sharing it!

nice !!!!

Thank you!

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i saw this video and i liked in your post

Thank you!

Do it Bulgaria :D

Nice post brother.keep it up.

Fiat currencies have no long term future. The question is which Blockchains will eventually replace it, and when will the tipping point occur. It will happen. But there will be a lot of suffering when it does take place. But happen it must.

World economy is the only legal ponzi scheme out there. Printing money infinitely and letting the next generations to pay the bill. Ponzi scheme is made illegal because it works lol.