RE: Is Steemit making you money...yet? Here are some tips!

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Is Steemit making you money...yet? Here are some tips!

in money •  8 years ago 

You can also use for pictures.
What do you mean by unpopular posts, flagged posts perhaps, or do you mean posts with very few votes?
Because I up vote the posts I like, not just the ones with tons of votes.

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Thanks for the suggestion! Well from what I've noticed, if a post isn't well liked but you like it, it seems to effect your numbers overall. I could be wrong on this but I noticed my points go down when I like a post that isn't voted as much. Maybe it will all even out but I do find it peculiar. It is important to like posts you like though since it helps boost quality content.

I don't know if the posts I vote for are quality content though, and by the way I just up voted your post. Shall I remove it? lol

No joke.....I'll let it be :) (edit thank you for the tips)

Lol I like your sense of humour! I am just trying to help out from observation. I think at least for me quality content is liking what I want to continue to read and enjoy. Although I do feel a little silly when I like a post and I notice my number does down even by an iota since curating/upvoting points are a thing.