4 Reasons Why You Will Never Be Rich And How To Overcome It

in money •  7 years ago 


A vacation on the beaches of the Caribbean Sea, big donations to foundations you support, retire at a very early age ... these are the kind of things you think when you hear the word: Wealth.

Unfortunately, it is very unlikely that you get to experience all this ... no beaches, no donations, let alone pensionarse being young.

Unless, of course, you overcome these 4 obstacles that prevent you from reaching wealth and abundance. Here I present you with an immediate action to help you overcome the things that holding you back. Let’s get started with me.

1. You do not understand how the money works:

Money is not a complicated subject to understand, however, few really master it and understand how it works. You understand? You can blame your parents, your education, the government, your teachers ... in the end, it is your responsibility to understand how this is generated, how it is saved , how it is invested and how it is finally preserved.

Rich people understand that money is not something that is found, earned or making by chance.

You must understand that wealth is not an accident, it is an action. Generating it, is a long-term game, and in order to win it you must understand and learn its rules, so start studying them.

Immediate action: Start your journey by reading several great money books, such as:

  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
  • The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
  • The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason

Do not only read, internalize as many concepts as you can, what you disagree with, discuss it with your wife, children or friends and then look for more bibliography.

Personal finances can be learned, and above all, mastered. When you do this, you will understand that wealth is not as difficult to achieve as you once thought.

2. Do not value your education:

Everyone understands: You are a extremely busy person.

You have 25 hours of work to complete each day and there is simply no time to finish everything you have to do: this is the life of the entrepreneur, so you must sacrifice some things.

There is a chance that you are putting aside your education, which is definitely driving away your chances of knowing about wealth. Remember: rich people never stop learning, regardless of the business they are in.

In one of his recent interviews, Noah Kagan, founder of AppSumo, acknowledge that he uses some of his mornings to read, and that he further separates Tuesday to devote himself to learning.

When was the last time you scheduled a day to learn? Are you one of those who tries to accommodate spaces and learn "when they can"?

Follow the advice of Kagan and many other successful entrepreneurs: Never stop learning, no matter how busy you are!

3. Live with all your income:

What are you doing with that extra income you're getting each month?

Do you have at least an additional income? Probably not.

Your boss does not pay you well, your company is just starting ... and have other excuses (you know the best excuses here to not change your life ).

Accept it: you are spending too much money; no matter how much you are making monthly, nobody cares ... you can be earning $ 3,000 or $ 15,000. If you live with all your income you will always be broke.

Unlike you, the millionaires have made the conscious decision to live with less than they generate. Instead of increasing the status of their lives every time they increase their income, they prefer to save and invest a little more money in activities that are profitable like their business, stocks, real estate, or other assets.

Immediate action: Print the bank statements for your last three months, identify where you have spent every dollar of your account and categorize it, then create a budget and manage with it.

4. Do not accumulate assets:

A job will never make you rich. Saving your money in a piggy bank or coffee jar will not either, so how do you build your wealth? It begins to accumulate assets.

An asset, according to wikipedia.com is a resource with an economic value that owns or controls an individual, corporation or country with the expectation that it generates a profit in the future.
An asset can be a profitable business, a portfolio of stocks or investing in the right home ownership (not all properties are a good investment, it's your choice and what you do with them).

Your car is not an asset. Your cell phone, Ipad and new laptop is not an asset either. Even your home may turn out not to be.

All these things are passive that are keeping you away from wealth in your future. So stop collecting "assets" that involve expenses and start investing in assets that generate income.

Immediate action: Make a detailed list of assets you own in your life, as well as your current market value. Are you happy and calm with them? Next, make a plan that shows how you are going to acquire more assets from those who generate income and not from those that involve you spending.

Becoming rich is not impossible. In fact it is relatively easy to achieve it when you have the time on your side and the knowledge to achieve it.

However, it also requires overcoming obstacles in the process. In short, if you want to accumulate your first million dollars in your account you will need to learn about the money game, you will have to value your education, live with less than what you earn and start accumulating productive assets .

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment