in moneyrules •  7 years ago  (edited)

Well, here is why, that "idiot" acknowledges that he knows next to nothing, he submits himself to learn, he is coachable, he has a mentor and that is where he wishes to be, he follows instructions and bang!!!, he wins big!
And you think you know everything, you are arrogant towards learning, you are not open to seeing things from a different lens, you are stereotypic, you are self sufficient in your thoughts, no one is good enough to teach you anything because you know it all.

Well! while you were there second guessing, perusing and overanalyzing, that "idiot" took massive action.

There you have the reasons why that idiot is rich and you are not.

My friend! old keys will never open new doors and you can't create a solution with the same mindset that created the problem.

The key is wealth-friendly, upside-down thinking. Stick with all the old money making rules (like taking a higher paying job to be able to save more money) and stay broke. Break them and get rich.

Be open to learning the new rulesFB_IMG_1514922680584.jpg

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