Start saving cash on gas with some simple tricks. And NO, Tesla isn't the answer.

in moneytips •  2 years ago 

Gas prices are wrecking your wallet and hurting the economy. This will probably only get worse. Not only is it making driving expensive, but it's increasing prices in all stores - because guess what, stores need trucks to deliver goods - which need gas.
However, there's ways you can work on cutting down your gas bills.
No, buying a Tesla isn't the solution, as I go over why in this video. Perhaps down the road yes, but spending $50,000 on a new car isn't the best bet.
Instead there are little tricks that can save you money on gas - check out the video on the app I use to save money on gas.
I guess I'm supposed to say this or something (common sense): NOTHING I say is financial advice. I am not qualified in anything. I just make videos n stuff when I'm slightly tipsy/bored about stuff I like. Do your own research frens.

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