Mirror mirror on the road, who is the cutest monkey of them all? πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ΅

in mongkey β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 


This may be the cutest yet most narcissistic monkey in the world. After discovering a broken piece of mirror on the roadside, a rhesus macaque was seen holding the discarded treasure to its face and staring at its own reflection for a while.

The adorable moment was captured by photographer Prerna Jain, who found the monkey close to a residential area in India's capital city New Delhi.

"Someone had carelessly thrown their mirror out of their car and onto the roadside, and the monkey found it and was confused by his reflection in the mirror," the 56-year-old photographer told the Daily Mail. "I nicknamed this monkey 'the narcissist' because he seemed to enjoy looking at himself after a while. I had never seen anything like this before."
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