A change was missed when the Mongols could restore the Empire

in mongols •  7 years ago 


In the winter of 1206, and most likely at the end of February or early March, the eldest son of the future founder of the new power, Juchi, went with his army across the ice of the great Bai Gol river to the north and subdued all the small forest tribes and people living along its banks.

At the same time, the Mongols, carefully studying the detailed map of the region, drew attention to a mountain lake located near the Siberian "ocean" and resembling a small bird in its form. This small pond with the current name Frolikha was called by them "Genghis" or "Lark", as if hovering over the boundless "steppe" of the northern part of Lake Baikal next to the "hawk wing", which in turn spread its giant feathers over the whole of Central Asia.

A detailed map of Siberia, up to the Urals, was made by Chinese cartographers a thousand years before the birth of Temujin.

The Kurultai on the banks of the Onon River, which proclaimed the newly born state, was held closer to the fall of the same year, and on it the Great Kagan uttered these words:

"Manke Keke Tengri (Eternal Blue Sky) our FATHER instructs me - his son to control all of you and other large and small nations!"

At the same time during the coronation, the Tsar's title "Genghis" was added to the name of Temujin and he became Genghis Haan!

Exactly: "Genghis!", "Genghis!", "Genghis!" And screams, or rather, a bird is squalled lark, hovering over the steppe, ragged in the summer noon from the hot sun.

"SON OF SKY - CHINGIS" is a symbol of the lake, located near to "OTSAT-TENGIS" - Baikal in its northern part.

After the Lord's death, the names Tengis and Chinggis were forever mourning ban and they disappeared from the language of the eastern Mongols!

Baikal began to be called DALAY - "Great" and the same title was received by the next ruler of the Mongolian empire Khan Ugadei.

Later, the lake was named MENKE and this name coincides with the name of the next leader - "Eternal".

To create any state, certain political and economic prerequisites are necessary, and when it decays, they are the main factors of the coming chaos and collapse!

"How, then, how small semi-wild and warring tribes, lost in the boundless steppe and surrounded by deadly enemies from all sides, feeding exclusively on cattle breeding and hunting for wild animals, managed to create the STATE and impose on all the peoples of our continent" a three-hundred-year-old Mongol-Tatar yoke " ?

  • Where is this people, numbering no more than six hundred thousand people, took the forces and reserves for war on several fronts scattered all over Eurasia?

And with a hundred million China, and with twenty million Central Asia, and with nine million medieval Rus, and six million Eastern Europe, as well as with Afghanistan, Iran, Transcaucasia and so on, and the like?

  • What economic basis and power needed to be formed in order to bring to the knees and crush countries that had been developing for many thousands of years before and were considered civilized?

  • With the help of which human and material resources moved for huge distances, uninterrupted courier and postal communication was provided?

  • What universities taught the steppe people to lawmaking, cartography and more than five hundred languages ​​of peoples and tribes inhabiting the Eurasian continent at the time?

  • Where did the forces and resources come from first to revive the economy of the defeated countries and principalities, to rewrite their population, to introduce a new monetary unit, and then to establish an efficient collection of taxes on giant territories?

  • Who organized the training and training of ambassadors, diplomats and scouts, strategists and tactics of military operations, which provided victories in virtually all battles and battles?

  • Which military commissariats put into operation fighters capable of galloping in a saddle of a fighting horse for several days in a row, instead of supper, on the move, drinking from his veins blood and hitting targets with arrows at a distance of up to five hundred meters?

"Where does the shepherd, even though he has princely roots in his family, but do not have the skills of ordinary writing and reading, have ambitions to create a" One World State "in which all nations will work together and pay taxes properly, where mutual insults will be excluded , strife and destructive wars, and where, in the end, will there be universal prosperity?

Dozens of scholars, writers and historians have tried to find answers to all of the above questions, hundreds of novels, scientific papers and articles have been created by them, although only one person, basically a former cattleman and warrior, put all these questions before them.

A chance missed long time ago when the Mongols could still revive the Empire they had lost, and the "Tatars" who were "involved" in the mythical "Igye" during the reign of the Chinggisids never stood in power and were simple executors at first the will of Genghis Khan himself , and then his descendants.

However, the horror experienced by the rulers of 75 countries and states of the continent, which folded their golden crowns under the hooves of stunted horses, shaggy like wild bears, is so deeply rooted in the consciousness of their followers that they have done everything possible to distort the true historical events in their favor , to split into small fragments the once great people and to forget the names of its leaders!

The last opportunity to save their honor was presented to the Arats in 1405, when under the banner of Tamerlane - a purebred Mongol from the Barlas tribe - a powerful army of Central Asian gulyamas - mercenaries - gathered and moved east towards Celestial Empire. But in the campaign Iron Chromat suddenly dies, and among his descendants there is not one worthy successor!

The countrymen in the east waited in vain for their yurts a single mother who bore the name of the Bike and hoped for his help!

As a result, in 1410 the indigenous Uls Mongol with its capital in the city of Karakorum was wiped off the face of the earth, and the surviving small principalities started squabbles and strife among themselves in the struggle for power, which was soon completely lost.

The Mongols themselves did not impose their worldview on anyone, since they were sure that the god on earth is "Edin". They allocated funds and encouraged the construction of churches and temples, did not teach the Russians to "splash" their pagan spirits, which they believed lived in every household item. They were not forced to learn their language, as they did in China. They did not wear their dygyls on their shoulders - they were robes made of leather and did not force them to sing songs to the mournful sounds of morin - huur, the Mongolian "balalaika".

The culture, religion and worldview of the Russian people were not suppressed by anyone, and they did not impose their own, which means that the real yoke was not in sight!

What really was strictly forbidden and punishable by death, or by reference in full, is the desire to raise your hand and offend even the simplest Mongolian and tax evasion - 10% of the income of each farmstead!

The reason is quite understandable - number of the arats were negligibly small.

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