Taking Robert to Clinic again.

in monkeys •  6 years ago 

My newish neighbour (sic. wish these yanks would learn to spell) asked me two months ago if I would drive him to the clinic each month to collect his medication-in his car-as he is not too comfortable driving in the traffic. And so this morning he arrived at the predesignated time-06h00-and we duly drove to Krugersdorp. It's not an unpleasant drive but would be forty times better were it not for the selfishness of almost most other drivers. Why must it be so? Endangering their own as well as the lives of others, and all for a two minute saving of time-if they're lucky. And the attitude; just dare try and correct them and #&^##*, is what you get-if you're lucky. The less lucky stand a strong chance of receiving a bump, or worse, as they do not seem to care what happens to them and their passengers. The authorities also appear to be of the same mind and, unless there's something in it for them, they also seem to condone their dangerous and atrocious driving. Robert, bless his soul, remarks about it very politely but I sense his bewilderment and wish that these drivers would only see and understand what the consequences of these bad road habits could, and very often, do result in. Ja, it's also something that has no doubt been a female dog since the first camel trails came into existence but, oh how I wish and pray that a little common sense as well as courtesy would prevail. It's only pride and selfishness to blame and childishness, as well. Drive like a human is supposed to, not like a monkey, you monkeys!

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