Infrared Photography - Tuxedo cat

in monochrome •  7 years ago  (edited)


This is Walter, a tuxedo cat. He has a red tinge to his fur when in the sunlight, though you cannot see it in these photos.

Camera ModelLumix GH3, modified by LifePixel for Full Spectrum
LensOlympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12mm-50mm
Filter52mm ZOMEI Infrared Passthrough filter
Shutter Speed1/8 sec
Film Speed1600
SpectrumNear Infrared Region (NIR)
Wavelengh720 nanometers
LocationGeorgia USA.


I see a few months ago people were posting on Wednesdays for the #monocat weekly challenge by @monocat


I did these photos in infrared and then converted to black and white.


gifeditor_20180808_203731 (1).gif

thanks @nevlu123 for the steemit animation.

#animalphotography #blackandwhite

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Beautiful marking on Walter. :-)

Dear @manorvillemike,
Yes, I agree with you. I like that little mark too. Generally Walter looks beautiful and so peaceful. Maybe not in the first picture - little scared.
Yours truly,
Gandalf The White


Hah yeah, hes usually pretty chill. But my glidecam setup weirds him out. Its big and it wanders around so he things its witchcraft probably. He will get used to it the more I use it around him.


yeah he does have some pretty markings. I like his stripe down his nose. thanks much!

This photo I like.


ah glad, yeah I love his eyes so big and looking around and such.

Nice eye. Wonderful photo @solominer


thanks much, glad you like it.

Cat Eyes looks beautiful in infrared mode..
Awesome photograph technique...


they sure do, thanks!

you are welcome friend...

funny cat photos

I like your photos @solominer


hah thanks, I post alot of them to Miltril. Ill try to post more to steemit as well.