Monochrome Monday - Sathorn View Cemetery !!steemCreated with Sketch.

in monochromemonday •  6 years ago  (edited)

In my time of been in Bangkok city i have walked many different areas and there isn't a time i don't come across something interesting it could be in a range of many things but i always seem to come across abandon cemeteries in local areas or even in the middle of the Bangkok city like this one i ran into on one of my walks around the city.





This one again like most of the abandon cemeteries i have seen around Bangkok are Thai-Chinese cemeteries dating back to the early settlers of the Thai-Chinese that have been forgotten.





I noticed this tombstone that drew my attention the way this Banyan tree was growing around it with such unusual looped around roots engaging the tombstone pretty eerie i thought.



Was walking along this pathway and noticed directly in front of me , which looked like a old brown branch that had fallen of the tree but hell no it wasn't as i move another step this brown log turned out to be a long brown snake and i can't tell you who jumped the highest and took off at 100 mph in different directions.




Luckily the snake was more scared of me and took of the opposite direction but it definitely made me more cautious to were i was going to be stepping next. In abandon cemeteries like this you got to expect snakes living in the tall grass.



It is always so sad to see these cemeteries over taken by wild life and mother nature their is so much history here that i would really like to wake up these dead have a glass of red wine with them and learn a few things wouldn't that be awesome if that was :)



Well for now i will just have to let it be and i am out of here i don't want that snake to start back tracking and us cross paths again.



#monochromemonday by the #the-guy-photos


#Cemeteryphotos Challenge by me! @melinda01010



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really excellent capture, love the way the earth and the grave stones have melted together over time. The silence is deafening here

Thank you Sir :)

I dare you go back at night. Snakes aren't the only thing roaming around there, I'm sure.
Stirs so many thoughts. So much to see.

Nice job capturing the aura of mystery and history.

Thank you @nana-nini i will only go back at night if you come over and hold my hand....haha :)))

Let me think about that for a while. I'll consider it. Lol Would be scared to death, pun intended, but the opportunity would be hard to resist. We could add 'walking through a creepy, ancient, dark, weired cemetery' off our bucket lists.

As if that is on my bucket list. Not. funny on second thoughts i'll give it a miss i am not ready to die yet :)

What? No photos of the snake? These photos are all quite amazing! The Banyan tree with the looped roots is very creepy and your photo is spectacular. I really like the low perspective. You are very brave!

Haha...i was disappointed in myself that i wasn't quick enough with my camera to capture a photo of the snake the snake was more scared then me he was gone in a flash. It was quite a creepy cemetery with all the tall scrub around didn't know what was going to come out next after that snake i needed to make my way out of there slowly :)

I suppose Mother Nature recycles us all in the end.

Your right about that , their is no escaping from mother nature :)