MONOMAD Photography Contest :: FRIDAY FLOWERS

in monomad •  7 years ago  (edited)

Meat-eating bog plants

don't grow in the Midwest, right?
Sarracenia purpurea does!

The "pitcher plant" likes soil to be water logged, nutrient poor, and highly acidic.

Give it good soil, fertilizer, and mineral enriched water, and you just might kill this rugged little carnivore.

For potted plants, use distilled water or rainwater. Above all, keep it... dare I say this...


at all times.

I'm a little concerned about the spider that lived among these plants, eating other little bugs. Haven't seen new webs, or the spider, for days. Is it possible the plant ate my little spider?

Here is the color version

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It's good to keep plants moist, especially if they're a gift. ^_^

Somebody is gonna keep you moist, you sadist!

Woah those are freaky cool plants!

Keep it moist, unless it dies D:

Why is it black and white. Life is colorful, dont forget it

MONOMAD photo prompt calls for B&W, no?

What a photo it is!! After all the color version is amazing

photography contest is best now as i mine
because it is smart passion today
so that is good activity carry on

Where does this plant live?

In my house, until summer comes, and back into the pond it goes. Zone 4 is too cold for a Zone 6 plant. It's native to the East coast, USA.

He's baaaaaack!
Today my spider friend resurfaced!