My entry for Monomad Challenge | Exuberance

in monomad •  5 years ago  (edited)
Dining room seventeenth century. Photograph taken during a visit to the Louvre Palace.

Personal file in Imgur

Camera: Digimax 370 / Kenox D370
Options: 5.8mm; f/2.8; 1/30s; ISO auto

You have to visit the Louvre at least once in your life. It contains great works by talented artists from different eras. Each floor, each handrail, each wall are hundreds of years of history.

I will not describe the Louvre because there is enough information in the books and the internet. However, I consider that some relics should be in their place of origin because, although in this museum they have been preserved and cared for in their preservation, as a world heritage site, there is certainly a visual and timeless clash.

If you wish to have information about the Louvre you can visit its official website Here.

My father and traveling companion thinks I should not do so many pictures because I enjoy the ride less. He tells me to enjoy without taking pictures but I can't help but capture a photo from time to time.

When I return to this photograph I remember the exuberance, the majesty and the beauty of the silverware, the hanging lamps, the gold in the columns, the chandeliers on the large oval table, the plastic works on the walls, the velvety chairs with fine joinery work and details in the fireplace.

I smile at myself thinking: how many diners tasted exquisite dishes of the best chef of the time? Apparently, many. Today, our dining rooms are small, simple and practical. I love living without such opulence.

I hope you enjoyed the brief description I made of this photograph and my modest reflection on some artistic pieces found in the Louvre.

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Infinite greetings and until a next #Monomad Photography.

EquipoCardumen. Somos compañeros de viaje

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Beautiful photo. I wasn't able to visit the Louvre that last (and only) time that I was in France. But I have plenty of memories of wandering the streets, visiting the cemetery where so many luminaries are buried, and generally sucking up the atmosphere; touristic vacuum. A wonderful time.

Someday you will have to enter the Louvre. It is wonderful!! So many works, so many teachers, too much art together. Thanks for your comment @chimerasong