I love Monster Hunter I've been playing it since the first game came on on PlayStation 2 back in 2004 and I still love this series so I'm not going to surprise anyone when I say that Monster Hunter 3 ultimate is great
but the game franchise has never done well over in the West when it's this huge thing over in Japan and that's something that needs to get fixed I have so much fun with Monster Hunter and I think a lot of other people
would too if they would just look at it and I keep hearing people call Monster Hunter and RPG which is not really something that I agree with it's an action game with some MMORPG elements but it's not an RPG there is no gripping story you don't get experience
points handed out to you for everything you do and you don't level up and get stat bonuses Monster Hunter is fundamentally an action game where all you do is have kick-ass boss fights you pick a quest for the monster you want to kill you go find it you kill
it no bull crap in between so if you're looking for a story or interesting characters or a reason to fight all these things Monster Hunter doesn't really have that your reason for playing it is because attacking these beasts is freaking fun and challenging
and absolutely rewarding through the gameplay this is where the MMO elements kick in that may turn some people off whenever you're doing anything you're constantly gathering resources either by scrounging around on the ground or mining up the minerals or carving
off pieces off of everything you kill nearly everything you get can be used to create a new weapon or armor all the best armors come from making it out of the huge monster that you defeat but to make the whole set you'll need lots of pieces this means you will be
fighting the same thing numerous times to get the items you need for the equipment you want to make especially for when it calls for a rare drop and to some people that can get repetitive because you are fighting the same thing over and over again and there
is some truth to that that is repetitive but I never got bored with that because the combat is so freakin fun and challenging that every time you fight something it's always fun you'll start small killing tiny dinosaur like things and getting what you
can but before you know it you're fighting bigger tougher enemies and then bigger ones than that and then bigger ones than that and they're challenging every time you fight them even with strong weapons and armor you'll still get killed if you aren't careful
another complaint I see pretty frequently about Monster Hunter is those just hack and slash gameplay yeah try it you go up against the lagiacrus let me know how just wailing on him with your weapon works out for you the combat is so much more than just swinging away with your weapon you have to be
defensive you'll get knocked around and flung all over the place dodging and blocking is essential to surviving any fight against these large monsters and just regarding that we'll get your ass killed and the quest failed but the more and more you fight them you'll start to learn the tells that they make
when they're about to wind up a devastating blow and you'll learn when and where it's a block and dodge this is why I never really minded fighting the same thing over and over again because I was getting better at fighting them I learned about the monster
and I developed techniques on how to attack I myself became a better hunter by learning through playing instead of getting a bunch of experience points and being told that my strength is higher or whatever and there is some strategy into attacking each monster as
you attack them you'll visibly damage them break their claws scar their faces mess up their hides and this is much more than just cosmetics it helps you sick of getting whipped around by its tail cut it off tired of being blinded by the goggles flashing lantern
break it 1 to weaken the legaia Chris's electric attacks bust the lightning crystals on his back not only does it look cool you'll get additional carves and rewards at the end of the quest
for breaking parts of the monsters some of the rare items can only be obtained if you break certain points every time.