Patching the hole

in montaigne •  3 years ago 

"We are all patchwork, and so shapeless and diverse in composition that each bit, each moment, plays its own game. And there is as much difference between us and ourselves as between us and others" (Michel de Montaigne)

Do I have an identity? This question is a matter of choice. An identity is assumed temporarily until it is broken to pieces by some eventuality. Then the patchwork begins. The broke pieces are carefully collected and arranged in a puzzle resembling picture. In the haste of the moment of destruction, however, some pieces get lost and the reassembled picture has holes in it.
This is not a drama holes can be filled up and new pieces could be layered on top of the lost ones. This creates the depth of the patchwork. An identity breaks many times. Sometimes by accident sometimes through some rational means which point to a deficit we have been neglecting. Each break leads to new layering of new patches of identity and we end up with Bon Scotts Blue Jeans ("Ain't No Fun" by AC/DC).


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