Fabien Cousteau, the grandson of the renowned worldwide undersea traveler Jacques Cousteau is leading a 31-day mission to live and work under the ocean in the Aquarius Habitat, found 63 feet underneath the sea's surface in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.
Cousteau and his group of aquanauts will think about the effects of environmental change – particularly sea fermentation, which is happening as the world's seas ingest a significant part of the carbon dioxide discharged into the climate by people – and additionally the effects toxins like plastics have on marine life, and the over-utilization of assets from the ocean.
The group will jump 6 to 9 hours every day around the Aquarius Habitat and the Light and Motion GoBe Search and Sola Dive lights will enable the jumpers to recognize marine life and direct logical overviews. The organization's powerful Sola video lights will enable the group to archive their disclosures. "We are eager to have the capacity to contribute our lights with the end goal of supporting sea life science and research" cited Daniel Emerson, CEO, Light and Motion.
"With the help of Light and Motion the aquanauts can utilize video lights, hand held plunge lights and lights to enlighten fluorescent ocean animals around evening time. Our Mission 31 film creation group is eager to illuminate Aquarius in a radical new manner!" cited Mission 31 Spokesperson Amy Summers.
Movie producer and picture taker Kip Evans will be ready Mission 31 with the Sola 4000s to archive the experience. Fans can finish Mission 31 the photos and recordings posted by Evans on the
About Light and Motion: Light and Motion is a vertically incorporated outline and assembling organization that makes individual lighting frameworks for people that esteem upright plan and carefully built arrangements. They construct their items themselves since they're enthusiastic about giving clients the ideal light to improve their experience. Light and Motion has been perceived for their spearheading business hones and a brilliant carbon impression through various natural honors, including the 2012 "Cool California Award" for ozone harming substance decreases.