Don't let your emotion control you!

in moodhealth •  3 years ago  (edited)


Everyone wants to have more fun, better achievements, more beautiful images, more gains, and high-spirited emotions are the premise of getting all this. The smile or worry is sad, the ocean is proud or calm, these subtle and more emotions constitute the melody of our inner life. Emotion penetrates in the mentality of our entire life, affects the effect of our behavior. James, the father of American psychology, pointed out that it can improve life by controlling emotions. A study of Harvard University has shown that 85% of personal achievements are due to active and healthy emotions, but only 15% is because individuals have specialized technology. As a student, our life may have to face numerous exams: As a student, we often lose control because of the problems of learning. Indeed, how to properly regulate their own emotions, do their own emotions, keep a peaceful mood, so that they will be in the study, they are teachers, students, and parents should cause attention. There is such a story: On September 7, 1965, the World Pasta Champion won the championship in New York. Fox Louis is very proud, because he is far ahead of the opponent, as long as you have a few more points, you can go to the championship.


However, when he is fully committed to winning the game, there is a small thing that he is unexpected: a flies fall in billiards. At this time, Louis is not intended, and a waving to drive away the flies, and heads up and prepare the ball. But when his eyes fall to the main ball, this wonderful flies fall to the main ball. In the laughter of the audience, Louis went to flies, and the emotions were also affected. However, this flies seem to be intentional to be pair, he returned to the table, it also flew back, provoke the audience present and laughed. Louis's emotional pole, finally lost calm and reason, angry with the club to hit the flies, accidentally encountered billiards, and sentenced to the ball by the referee, thus lost a round of opportunities. The competitors set by the defeat, John Di Rui saw the courage, confidence, and finally catch up with Louis, won the champion. After Louis left, the next morning, some people discovered his body in the river. He suicide him. It can be said that Louis does not have the ability to take the world champion, and when you look at the golden stunning trophy, he exposes the psychological fatal weaknesses: Treating small things that affect your emotions are not calm and reasonable, can't control with will I finally lost the championship or even life. So, how can we enhance the self-control ability, use reason to control the "flood" of the emotions? This requires us to strengthen the cultivation of psychological quality. Mainly from the following aspects: First, by self-suggestion, you can control the generation of bad emotions. Second, learn to self-motivate, this is a good way to use reason to control emotions. Third, the mood will be made by the method of psychological transposition. Fourth, learn to use sublimation methods to control the entanglement of bad emotions. So, what is the active role in maintaining an optimistic orientation? "Smile, ten years." The optimism is a symbol of physical and mental harmony. One of the signs of mental health. It has a positive impact on people's lives. When we face the "kaleidoscope" change, the society For life, there must be correct understandings and positive attitudes, to cultivate and maintain optimistic and stable emotions, which is the starting point of all actions.


All in all, the mood has two poles, and the active emotions have a increased force, and negative emotions have a reduction in the power. Sorrow, concerns and pessimism, you can make people sick, reduce learning life efficiency; active, pleasant and optimistic emotions, you can overcome disease, and make people healthy and longevity, achieving their own ideal wishes. Therefore, we must enhance our own regulatory awareness of negative emotions, master effective adjustment and controlling their negative emotions. I remember that there is a pair of pairs: You can't change the weather, but you can change your mood: You can't control others, but you can master yourself. Alcohol: Foot in me. May each of us do their own emotions, to pursue a beautiful life!

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