in moonconnect •  4 years ago 


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About MoonConnet project:
This mission seeks to make their decentralized platform the most decentralized and trustworthy running on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) protocol. All tokens will be disbursed to customers thru rewards via Airdrops, Rewards and Bounties. The assignment crew is attempting to convey some thing new to this crypto neighborhood in order to advantage the community itself and the crypto space. The challenge itself specializes in making the ideal DeFi platform, thru trial and error from different “perfect” DeFi tasks that have superb characteristics, however have vulnerabilities and flaws that have crashed. The venture itself will resolve these mistakes and supply an incentive for new investors. In addition, MoonConnect has its personal collective distribution mechanism, the place greater than 70% of the circulating provide will be dispensed amongst the 5 million token holders, all this makes the token extra decentralized and fair. With MoonConnect, you don’t have to fear about rate drops due to huge players, as each and every characteristic of the task offers fee help and benefits. Thanks to these advantages, we get a top and speedy boom of the market as properly as the improvement of the system.

The Issue Of Yield Farming:
The latest positively trending market, which started in 2021, occurred in a moderately new environment focused on hyper-rivalry, which tried to accomplish a harmony among yield and productivity. Numerous crypto clients were gotten into the alleged “Huge APY LP Farming Trap,” and most of them were driven out by either early stakers, who procured high stake returns, or whales, who burst the valuation bubble by pulling out their property, bringing about a value crash and impermanent misfortunes. Moonconnect adjusted Static Reflection Rewards and Automated LP Acquisition Mechanics to resolve this issue.
This undertaking is local to North America, and from the outset sight, there isn’t a lot to see about it. Each tree is a hereditary clone of a tremendous root framework that stretches out under the dirt’s surface. Truth be told, you are simply seeing one plant framework when you see many aspen trees.

Mission Statement:
Moonconnect ($MCONN) is a social token with a serious mission to reach at least 5 million holders worldwide. The main objective is to become the most decentralized and fairly distributed token, ever. Our team has developed a distribution approach that enables us to spread tokens in a social way, avoiding bulk sales, and therefore creating an asset that can easily serve as a digital safe deposit box for the ages. With our strong vision and core objective alongside the development of new blockchain technologies, Moonconnect will continue to expand in the crypto space and our most loyal members will be the ones to maximize the return on their investments.


Static Reflection Rewards:
Static Reflection Rewards are the strategic ways for the Moonconnect project to help the investors keep most of their crypto coins instead of trading off the same for peanuts.
The model of the Static Reflection Rewards is that it takes a determined percentage of the total transaction amount. This would be reflected in the digital wallets of any token holder that has the corresponding token.
The general idea is to encourage the token holders to keep holding their tokens for more profits instead of making a hasty selling decision based on the tax incurred for every transaction they make.

Automated Lp Acquisition:
Liquidity plays an important role in the facilitation of transactions. That is what the Automated LP Acquisition scheme from Moonconnect is all about.
Through this channel, liquidity will be provided automatically. Therefore, traders are confident that the slippage will be low and that their buy and sell orders will be confirmed in real-time in the liquidity pool.

Progressive Distribution:
Practically the entirety of the tokens out there share a comparative issue: an unevenly distributed coursing supply. Simply a handful of individuals own most of the supply, bringing about nonstop whale dumps and unreasonable price floors. Presently, it's an ideal opportunity to roll out the improvement!
Moonconnect fixed this issue by designing a game-transformer reformist distribution instrument. This instrument is answerable for distributing the whole supply that was allocated (70% of the coursing supply) to at least 5 million users and thusly it makes the Moonconnect: The most decentralized and genuinely distributed token ever!


Thе most rесеnt bull mаrkеt, whісh bеgаn іn 2021, tооk рlасе іn a rеlаtіvеlу new аtmоѕрhеrе сеntеrеd оn hуреr-соmреtіtіоn, whісh ѕоught to асhіеvе an equilibrium bеtwееn уіеld аnd еffісіеnсу. Mаnу сrурtо uѕеrѕ wеrе саught іntо thе ѕо-саllеd "Lаrgе APY LP Fаrmіng Trар," аnd thе mаjоrіtу оf thеm wеrе drіvеn out bу еіthеr еаrlу stakes, whо rеареd hіgh ѕtаkе rеturnѕ, оr whales, whо burѕt thе valuation bubblе by wіthdrаwіng thеіr hоldіngѕ, rеѕultіng in a рrісе crash and tеmроrаrу lоѕѕеѕ. Mооnсоnnесt modified Stаtіс Rеflесtіоn Rеwаrdѕ and Autоmаtеd LP Acquisition Mесhаnісѕ tо аddrеѕѕ this іѕѕuе.

  • 30% of Tokens Burnеd
    Durіng thе lаunсh, a Black Hole іѕ сrеаtеd bу ѕеndіng 30% оf thе tоtаl ѕuррlу tо a dеаd wаllеt thаt wіll соntіnuе еxраndіng bесаuѕе оf tоkеn'ѕ reflection mесhаnіѕm.

  • 5% Rеflесt to Hоldеrѕ
    Eаrn уоur ѕhаrе frоm a 5% fее tаkеn frоm еасh trаnѕасtіоn by hоldіng уоur Mооnсоnnесt Tоkеnѕ іn your wаllеt. Nо nееd fоr еxtrа fаrmіng рlаtfоrmѕ оr ѕtаkіng рrоtосоlѕ!

  • 5% tо Lіԛuіdіtу Pооl
    Evеrу trаnѕасtіоn fееdѕ thе Lіԛuіdіtу Pool аnd thе оvеrаll liquidity оf thе Tоkеn grоwѕ constantly. Thіѕ іnсrеаѕеѕ thе ѕtаbіlіtу оf thе рооl аnd аlѕо ѕuрроrtѕ thе рrісе flооr.

Token Allocation:
Moonconnect's maximum total supply is fixed to 1 quadrillion tokens and there will never be more than 1 quadrillion tokens in circulation. During launch, a Black Hole is created by sending 30% of the total supply to a dead wallet, which will continue expanding because of the token's reflection mechanism. The initial circulating supply started with 700 trillion tokens and will continuously shrink over time because of the Black Hole's growing influence.


Moonconnect is a cryptocurrency project that could shake the crypto market with the wide range of positive and user-oriented features it has to offer. I think it is worth the hype!

More Information:

•Bitcointalk username: hetpatel009
•Bitcointalk profile:;u=3329638
•BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x0d459dBa518FD4f0D69E29c5fC2B7712caAfc1A

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