MOON FESTIVAL(Thanksgiving)steemCreated with Sketch.

in moonfestival •  8 years ago  (edited)

what did you do on moon festival ?
중추절때 뭘 하셨어요 ?

Moon festival is usually around September and October (Lunar 15th,August)
Many Chinese people rank it as the second most important festival.
but as i know, Korean people rank it as the most important one. am i wrong? lol

중국에서 중추절때 뭐하는지는 잘모르겠는데요
Actually, I don't what Chinese do on moon festival.
대만에서는 하루만 쉬거든요
There is only one day off in Taiwan
중추절때 대만사람들이 보통 이렇게 해요~
people usually do this in Taiwan
가족들이 모여있고 같이 바베큐하며 달구경해요
Family get together for barbecue and moon gazing
근데 왜 대만사람들은 중추절때 바베큐 하는지 궁금하세요?
are you curious about the reason why do Taiwan people barbecue on moon festival?
제 생각은 상업적 수단에 의해 탄생하는 것이죠 ㅋㅋ
i think it just Commercial means .

단어장 Vocabulary
Barbecue 바베큐 烤肉(Kǎo ròu)
Moon gazing 달구경하다 賞月(Shǎng yuè)
Mooncake 월병 月餅(Yuè bǐng)
Pomelo 유자 柚子(Yòu zi)

Let me know how did u celebrate moon festival of your country's cultural ?
Leave your messages down below . thank you ^^

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