The next stage of economic development is Moonx

in moonx •  6 years ago 


MoonX will become the most secure decentralized exchange market friendly to new users. The MoonX platform will be the complete opposite of centralized counterparts, which earn on commissions, fees for placing currencies and third-party services. In MoonX there will be no commissions for either users or the so-called family members, which you will become after the first transaction in the MoonX system. A new kind of coin mining system - mining through transactions- involves reimbursement of commission transactions with the MoonX coins, called Moon Money. With the help of this mining model, the user is directly rewarded for his contribution to the development of the project and is motivated to continue this trend, and is also awarded the right to participate in the voting system. The voting system will represent the whole spirit of decentralization from Satoshi, because users in equal rights will decide the fate of the project, regardless of the point of view of its creator or responsible person. MoonX will become the most user-oriented platform with the level of technology of military development and of a wide range of functions, including any currency pairs: fiat and crypto. And it includes also a user support system that will improve the channel of communication with users and facilitate the development of the platform.

Project founders

Dr. Nithin Palavalli is a founder and a CEO of the company. Palavalli is described as a crypto evangelist, consultant in matters of ICO, investment banker, entrepreneur and many other financial activities. Dr. Palavalli has a wide range of research that includes high-speed trading, hedge funds, nanotechnology, semiconductors, brain research, high-voltage devices. Dr. Palavalli holds a doctorate in nanotechnology, which he received at the Tsinghua National University, and received another doctorate in materials science and technology. He often acted as a consultant in the best investment banks, hedge funds and market makers in the regions of the America, as well as in the regions of East Asia. Dr. Nithin Palavalli is a very talented and comprehensively developed specialist, in whose hands the project will surely succeed.

Tony Lee is a serial entrepreneur exploring the boundaries of business in many countries. Tony has extensive experience in the field of start-ups and investments, and also has extensive knowledge about the device of the crypto-currencies and trends of the industry. The first start-up was a combination of the gaming and automotive industry, but this concept was unattainable and served as a proper experience for Mr. Lee. The second start-up was the idea of creating a financial and technical company specializing in international investment in real estate and financial products between Asia and the United States. This idea gave its fruits and allowed Tony to break into the global business scale. In his third start-up, Tony began investing in ICO and, eventually, works with the cryptocurrency exchanges. Tony received a bachelor's degree in economics from the Renmin University of China. Tony showed himself as a successful entrepreneur, a man with an iron to succeed, who brings his projects to the end no matter how this end turned out.

Rahi Racharla is a founder and a CTO. Rahi has more than 21 years of experience in technology and management. Before his appointment to Moonx, Rahi served as Director of Information Technology at MCX, one of the world's largest trading exchanges. Rahi has a very interesting choice of spheres of education: he started his education in the field of industrial engineering, and afterwards received a Master of Finance degree, and eventually received a Master of Informatics Science. At the Tullet Liberty company Rahi created a hybrid electronic exchange system, and earlier at Dow Jones Markets created a communication layer, capable of portability to any platform with incredible performance. The most recent position of Mr. Racharla is a CEO and a head of APAC Equity Trading. With such founders as Rahi, the project is simply bound to succeed, because it has already been provided with dozens of years of experience in the financial sphere and IT technology.


The MoonX project will immediately conquer its users by how much the platform is oriented to their needs and will even more surprise later when it becomes transformed, with the help of a decentralized control scheme, in the direction that users need more. With the help of the MoonX team, many technical deficiencies of current exchange systems such as low TPS server, large delays, transaction queues, unjustifiably complex user interface, etc. will be corrected. A commission and a fee for placing currency or ICO will remain in the past, because in MoonX commission is compensated with the help of system tokens, that is, you become a full member of the community with the privilege of participating in the decisions of platform ecosystem development, and even return to yourself the entire amount of paid commision. Another important advantage is experienced and successful managers-founders of the company. All of them have degrees in the field of financing and experience in the field of startups and IT technologies, such people are the Foundation of successful projects. They are able to turn the world upside down to make it better and it is their merit will be the economic revolution, which will bring the MoonX project for the world.





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