EVolley [423] NetworkDispatcher.processRequest Unhandled exception java.lang.RuntimeException Bad URL

in mopub •  5 years ago 

EVolley [423] NetworkDispatcher.processRequest Unhandled exception java.lang.RuntimeException Bad URL
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"old" solution doesn't work, I think it's mopub sdk bug, tmply don't use mopub

reason and solution:
mopub init is not like other ad sdk, mopub init need wait it inited and then
load ad, so if i before ad init and load ad, it will raise some err, I use
following code to listen mopub init finish and then run load ad

boolean isInit = false;

public void init() {
    SdkConfiguration sdkConfiguration = new SdkConfiguration.Builder

MoPub.initializeSdk(act, sdkConf
...(see full article in relative links)

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