The origins of the matrix of control and enslavement vs the future of humanity and the reopening of pandora's box

in morality •  7 years ago 

Everything has its beginning. But it doesn't start at "one." It starts long before that, in chaos. The world is born... from zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes two, two becomes ten, ten becomes 100. Taking it all back to one solves nothing. So long as Zero remains, one... will eventually grow to 100 again. And so our goal was to erase Zero. Even the mighty Patriots began with a single man. That one man's desires grew huge, bloated; absorbed technology; began to manipulate the economy. We realized too late that we had created a beast. We had helped turn Zero into 100. His sin... was ours. And for that reason, it's up to us to send Zero... back to nothing. We all fought a long, bloody war for our liberty to free ourselves from systems, nations, norms and ages, but no matter how hard we fought, the only liberty we found was on the inside, trapped within those limits... the founding fathers and we the people may have taken different paths but in the end, we were both trapped inside the same cage... "Liberty." I also learned that peace is an unnatural state for human society. And that war is a constant threat to our relationship with others. So, to achieve peace, we have to create it ourselves. Crying about it won't bring it about, or make it last. Each one of us must go and seek it out. You won't find it without making sacrifices. No offense, but I don't know what peace is. Never felt what it's like. growing up means choosing how you're gonna live your life. Treasure your memories. No matter what happens, keep them safe. Nothing to be ashamed of. Pain gets the better of us all. Remember this, real heroes are never as polished as the legends that surround them.

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