make a foundation

in morgenseiten •  7 years ago 

2015-06-10 10.04.33.jpg

make a building there must be a solid foundation, an earthquake-resistant foundation when living in earthquake prone areas, the foundation is a must if you want to build a durable building is not easy to collapse
make a foundation must have a special technique, there must be experts who make it, can not be made by just anyone.
this is comparable in life, living like a building, if the foundation of our lives wake up firmly, then our life is not easy to crack when there is an earthquake (problem) our lives are not destroyed when there is a flood struck, our lives remain safe when hundreds of people climbed onto the shoulders we.
The foundation of life is confidence and science, patient in all conditions and confident in every problem and disaster,
while the foundation of life for the Sufi people is faith and trust, with the faith of all they live without the burden, with tawakkal they surrender all the final results in the grasp of god, they do not rebel, their inner peace and serene nature any circumstance, whenever and wherever.
whereas the self-confidence we build is often up and down, according to many or at least calamities and temptations, while the Sufis are their hearts like a vast sea without edge, always at peace in love and glory.
his is a metaphor of life, what I write tonight is the subject of our discussion meeting a while ago,
hopefully also can be useful for all friends ,,
best regards @steemitcountry

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