They hid the truth for thousands of years...
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To better relate to what Morgue is saying, here us glossary of terms:
The Creator / Amun & Amunet, call it point A, from which emanates pure light (God Most High) that forms the mind of the Creator.
Most High / El Elyon & Asherah / AmunRa, creates seven archangels (fallen angels), colours/sounds/planets, who are lights in Heavens.Their light descends down below onto primordial earth giving rise to life and matter as it slows down to form Herzian waves. The descend of light down to earth is thus represented by the Lucifer archetype as light bearer.
The transformation of light into life on earth making physical bodies with their own minds focused on survival and procreation is represented by the archetype of Lord God Jehovah aka Satan (administrator / adversary), who makes wheras Creator creates, a subtle but significant and telling difference.
So, this low point, call it B, is the House of the Lord of War as he is described in Exodus 15:3, "The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name."
The LORD is English translation of the Hebrew word and so called tetragrammaton of four letters YHVH the reading of which is forbidden by Moseretic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Satanists, so it is commonly read as Yahweh which ends up in English as Lord God Jehovah, however it reads Yahoo (yahw) which is light in ancient Egyptian, as in the light of Ra, or Aten for example. Hence why their Babylonian Satanic bible starts with letter Beth, means house, and in banal and broken grammar manner, "In the beginning created Elohim Heavens", with plural masculine Elohim translated as singular God, whereas the original actually holy scriptures it was based on, meaning of truth, started with Aleph, first letter of the alphabet and as the title of Creator -- Father of the Beginnings, Abarashit created Luminaries (Elohim, which includes Jehovah), Heavens and the Earth. Same as white light splits into seven colours, same idea. EL (means star) has seven children, Elohim (starlight).
The ascending is done by light transformation into Consciousness by way of life, thought and wisdom.
Thus in minerals Creator's Consciousness sleeps, in fungi and plant kingdoms it dreams, in animals it steers, and in mankind it awakes, first to self realization as separate from animals, then as an individual separate from a group, then as Lord God Jehovah I am that I am, Salkas Samael Yaltabaoth Demiurge Ramphant etc... then as Christ Consciousness the soul begins its ascension to reach unity with Most High Creator back to the starting point A. Homosepien means wise man since becoming wise is what makes us human, mankind, and ultimately gods.
Glossary of Terms:
A - Creator, beginning and the end of the soul's journey
Creation - Most High God (pure light of Mind of God as scalar waves traversing faster than the speed of visible light)
Original etherial mankind - Androgynous Adam Kadmon (both make and female in the image of God, Genesis 1:27, 5:1-2, Psalms 82:6 etc.)
Descent - Lucifer (spread of em frequencies into rainbow/scale) Visible light at the speed of light then slows down to form Herzian waves and matter.
B - Lord God Jehovah (infrared part of spectrum) - fire -- aka Demiurge, Satan, world of flesh, making of Adam from dust, Genesis 2:7, and Eve from his rib as separate man and woman. Jehovah represents our sense of boundaries and separation, survival and procreation, attack or flee responses, root chakra (Lam sound), black and red colours, five senses; sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, left and beast parts of the brain, nervous system and skeleton, as well identified with planet Saturn. So quiet very important however not the God of Creation as Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Messianic Moseretic Masonic Khazarian apostates will have you believe.
Ascension - Christ archetype of love, truth and peace, light of the world on its merry way outa here by way (Tao) of accumulated Consciousness.
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While I agree with that black and brown people are original mankind and Israel native to NA from where they have expanded to everywhere else, I do not agree with the notion that they have monopoly on Christ, albeit the wisdom of it is based on the original people's writings who are simply keeping the Universal truth the best way they can within their cultures across generations. That said, the truth in itself is available to all to experience, explore, and embrace regardless of their skin colours or ancestry. Christ Consciousness therefore is Universal in its scope and is an archetype present, as potential at least, in all mankind.
In the wheel of life, at the centre of oneself (Sukkah) is where Dharma laws maintain Universal constants of love, truth and peace, arising out of nowhere of Absolute Source into now and here, wheras living off centre (Dukkha) is to be subject to change, as the wheel of time spins faster as one gets farther from their centre, hence farther in the past memories or future expectations, where the laws of Karma apply, the Golden Rule of you get what you put in, bringing one either closer or farther from the centre, the destination.
Since once at the centre of oneself one then can start not only to heal and create but to also ascend to higher astral spiritual realms, so called Heavens of Most High Creator, in whose image we are made and like in the story of Osiris we are rebuilding as one and whole again from many shuddered pieces. It does not matter really how and why it became this way, most important is thst we have a way to fix it and get to our true home out of this pathetic limitation and imitation of it.
Many are confused by the term Christ and often conflict it with historical Jesus derived from his Egyptian name Issa. Christ (annointed) is reference to the oil like substance that is produced by the brain and is deposited down the spinal column into the bottom five fused vertebrae that gorm a chalice aka the Holy Grail, from which the oil begins to rise during the time when the moon is in one's sun sign and a small amount of it is then deposited into the area of solar plexus the archetypal Bethlehem aka The House of Bread (bakery also as ancient reference to the Virgo constellation).
There the oil is accumulated for three days a month, during which time one should abstain from sex, alcohol, hard drags and processed foods, and if one will start increasing their vibrational frequency by way of proper thought, emotion and action, this oil will start ascending along the spine to reach the brain as it transforms into gaseous particles and is absorbed by the pineal and pituitary glands that in turn produce milk and honey of higher, than their lower animal and ego (I am) awareness, Christ Consciousness.
Thus, reaching the Heavens aka enlightenment, one becoms wiser, healing, feeling and living better and is fearless of death for one then is Conscious of their eternal nature and immortal soul that can be taken for a ride within a body in the matterial world but at the end of it one must return it back to the Source whence it came from and belongs to. Just like a child takes his parents' fancy car, better the soul to be intact without a scratch after all said and done.
Oh and yes, there is direct reference to Christ of NT Satanic Bible as Sun luminary and as Mithra god of contracts, whose worship was dominant, followed by Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Judaism, during the early years of Christianity in the Roman empire.
Ego is Latin for I am the ultimate ego of God is Lord God Jehovah aka I am that I am, Egyptian Nuk pu Nuk. If not recognized and incorporated into oneself he then acts as Adversary to individual's ego, or as the opposite end of Most High God, El Elyon / AmunRa, the red spectrum part of light. In Sumerian narrative he is identified as Enlil, god of sky and thunder, who is described as the administrator aka Shatan, later transformed to adversary to God by the Moseretic Babylonian so called Jews as Satan. Therefore it is the individual ego that must die for the Christ identity archetype be available to embrace, becoming child of Most High, instead of the other way around. Typical Satanic reversal.
In Genesis 1:27 it is written that the original mankind was created in the image of, not the Elohim children of Most High El Elyon, similar as pure light splits into seven colours of em spectrum, but of Most High God, Father of the Beginnings (Abarashit) and Virgin Mother Goddess of Peace and All of Creation. In Genesis 5:1-2 it confirms again that Adam Kadmon (original man) is called mankind and is both male and female. Peace
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