An inconvenient truth about the LDS Church and the child abuse scandal.

in mormon •  2 years ago 


I'll tell you one thing I know for certain about the LDS Church child abuse reporting story / scandal.

One thing for absolute sure.

The Church claims that it doesn't encourage clergy to report abusers and abuse to law enforcement because it doesn't want to create a disincentive for abusers to confess their sins and seek repentance in good faith—that if abusers know they will be turned in, they won't pursue a repentance process that is crucial for the well-being of their soul.


This is a lie. I know this is a lie, because I know hundreds of people who work full time for the church, some at BYU, some in various other capacities, and I have watched not only their experiences over the years but have also watched the church aggressively, furiously tighten its grip on ecclesiastical endorsements for church employees—meaning people that work for the church can lose their job if a bishop withdraws an ecclesiastical endorsement for any reason. The Church DOES. NOT. CARE. This is obviously also true of students who don't want to get kicked out of BYU or any other church operated universities and schools. The church anchors ecclesiastical approval to other, often life altering material consequences, and it does this eyes wide open and, of late, with increasingly unapologetic openness.

The field is white and ready to harvest of the sheer tonnage of fucks the Church doesn't give about creating disincentives for people to be completely open and candid with their pastoral leaders.

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