Mornin' musing #...

in mornin •  6 years ago 

Mornin' !

That's a thing I hear a lot up here in Sudbury if I am riding my bike in the a.m.

It must be the northern air, devoid of electro smog and so backwards there is only 3G.

I hear things like "good afternoon!" If I take a few seconds to meet a persons eye at a crosswalk.

And, people talk to you at public places rather than quickly pretending to be engrossed in something in their phone which doesn't exist.

Do you miss the days of open human interaction without having a device clutched in your hand, just in case you don't feel courageous enough to say anything to a fellow human, who, might also be hoping that you just might be that person that says hello to them, gives a smile and a nod?

I know I do, but, I have it figured out a bit more now.

I've lived in a few different places ya know?

Well, more than a few actually.

Portugal for three years.

Right before the rise of the smart phone.

And it was a super low tech country at the time.

I remember for the first time seeing these differences between higher tech, higher population density cities when I would return to the "Big Smoke" to collect money at Xmas and celebrate my birthdays on my returns from Lagos, on the very southern tip of Portugal.

Landing in Toronto, even back then, it was super noticeable.


Well, let's just say that after a year in Toronto, I am glad to be up here, sitting at a public place where, by 7:15 I have already had a fellow cyclist say, just like I am to you, right now, because, well, I'm that kinda guy, no ,alter where I live:)



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