Oh my Beloved Adonai
You are alive for me today.
Seeing the wind caress the branches
Of the trees
I am delivered by Your grace into the infinity of Your existence.
You are alive in me today.
I feel Your presence coursing through my body and
Burning my heart with a golden fire.
Your voice; such sweet silent flames of raging love
That purify me in blissful splendor but do not consume me.
Oh My Beloved
Oh Ever Faithful One
Open my mouth so that my lips may declare
Your praise now and always
Open my heart to Your Love now and forever.
Hebrew Blessing, not original
Sun image from Pixabay
I Shared This, not because I am Jewish nor of Hebrew descent, but because
I AM a Unitarian, and this prayer/blessing strikes a chord in me, that I feel strongly
About. If each and everyone of us took this attitude with us into our day,
(whether you believe in any god or not) our world would be a better place

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

This .gif was created by @elgeko

Oh my Beloved Adonai
You are alive for me today.
Seeing the wind caress the branches
Of the trees
I am delivered by Your grace into the infinity of Your existence.
You are alive in me today.
I feel Your presence coursing through my body and
Burning my heart with a golden fire.
Your voice; such sweet silent flames of raging love
That purify me in blissful splendor but do not consume me.
Oh My Beloved
Oh Ever Faithful One
Open my mouth so that my lips may declare
Your praise now and always
Open my heart to Your Love now and forever.
Hebrew Blessing, not original
Sun image from Pixabay
I Shared This, not because I am Jewish nor of Hebrew descent, but because
I AM a Unitarian, and this prayer/blessing strikes a chord in me, that I feel strongly
About. If each and everyone of us took this attitude with us into our day,
(whether you believe in any god or not) our world would be a better place

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks
This .gif was created by @elgeko