Oh this is so easy ...
I have drawings of my children. Done when they were three.
Greater art has no one than the art they create with their own body.
I used to sing and write and do many things as forms of art. Until I was a mother. And while I still do those things, they are merely to pass time. I know they are not creation. Not like my children are.
I gave them form, like a potter at the wheel, before they were ever born.
I loved them, with gentle brush strokes of hair off foreheads before I breathe them in.
I sculpt them, giving them shape to show the world their beauty, while being able to withstand the harsh elements of it.
I polish them and prepare them. And I sit back and admire them in their beauty. Knowing my hand played a part in creating the beauty that they are. While understanding divine inspiration and seeing the glory of individuality in each of them.
It is humbling, to be the artist, preparing a majestic work for the world.
I hope to stay pure enough in intention to do these canvasses justice!