Well, the weather here is just the beesknees so ... I am happy!
I know a lot of people complain about Canadian winters, but I am in Calgary. We have chinooks.
I couldn't live anywhere else in Canada for the winter, I don't think. Here, the cold doesn't last too long. And it always gives me an excuse to get things done around the house when it does show up to snap in, like cold does, for a week or so.
I could use more warmth in the summer. And a longer growing season would suit me just fine.
I am not too sure what's up with climate change. I am not too sure I can do much about it myself.
I remember the other day writing of MotherNature, and how I revere Her. How I respect her.
I am glad for the sunshine, and I worship it every chance I get. I praise theSun. I long for Her warmth on my skin.
I should really move somewhere warmer, like Belize where it's warm all the time. But all things are really relative. And I could never leave snow far behind.