The most powerful motivational speeches that i have ever hurt came from steemains who told me i could't do something successful on steemit but you know i bound to show them that i could . Tell me i can't do , i will prove you wrong .
Success is a decision , Failure is a decision , Winning , Losing these are decisions that we make . it's up to you to look at what in front of you the good and the bad and put it all toghether to tell the story that you want to tell . See failure is a decision because it's stopping point , faillure it's means that you stopped . But the reality is everyone deals with hardship the differentiator is that some people decide that the unfortunate events will be nothing more than speed bumps on their way to greatness .
Set some higher goals which are some higher purpose . go for somthing beyond what you thought you could do , you've got to believe that . but the big one is believe in yourself .
Things aren't always going to work out as planned , that's life . none of us can escape life's challenges and hardships . what separates those who succeed and those who fail is how we respond to life's challenges . the strong make no excuses , i'm strong , You are strong . We meke no excuses , No matter how hard it get . We ask : How can we use this , How can we win .
we win because we make no excuses