Does signing a birth certificate really make the infant / child a ward of the State and / monetized or have any other significance?

in mother •  5 years ago 

"The child itself, when born, is the asset of the trust established by the birth certificate, and the social security number is the numbering or registration of the trust, allowing for the assets of the trust to be tracked, thus making whomever gets a birth certificate owned by the state."

"So, Without any “full and honest disclosure”, of the “terms and conditions” of the “securities contract”.

Without a “Meeting of the minds”. She “signs” as an “informant”.

The Legal definition of the word “informant” is “someone who gives someone else up to another”.

Thereby, under the false and fraudulent doctrines of

“Parens Patriae” (State is Parent) and “In Loco Parentis” (Crazy Parenting), She unknowingly gives “equitable title” to the State(s)"

"The reason you are considered a Ward of the STATE is because your Mother signed your Record of Live Birth as the “Informant”, ultimately acting as the Trustee of the (Executors/Fathers) Estate. In doing so, she unknowingly signed away the property (the Child) of the Executor (the Father) to the STATE"

"The ‘human you’ really is you, however the ‘paper you’ has been registered to the U.S. Government, thus making you a Ward of the State — this all came about when your parents filled out your “Birth Certificate,” essentially signing over your person to the Crown Corp. so to speak — the Bank of England, Bank of Canada, etc.."

"By signing the birth certificates, people's "signature" (itself) would actually "charge up" the bond to the tune of a large lump sum."

"Attempting to Administrate an Estate without written-authorized consent of the Executor is very costly; people go to prison, but if they can ‘coerce’ the Mother/Informant/Trustee to sign over the property, then they have a legal leg to stand on."

"13.Now the Child is an Orphan; a Ward of the STATE; abandoned by it’s Mother, via the birth announcement she signed as the Informant.

14.The STATE sends the Record of Live Birth to the Registrar’s Office, where a New Estate is created and now placed in Probate."

"The Child is now considered a Ward of the STATE; an incompetent bastard Child with no Father, and the Mother abandoned him/her."

"You are a WARD OF THE STATE, an IMBECILE, A MENACE TO SOCIETY, and INCOMPETENT, and that’s the truth, take it as you will."

"By the parent applying for the Birth Certificate they were told was required, the parents legally pass ownership of their baby to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION"

"Legally, you are considered to be a slave or indentured servant to the various Federal, State and local governments via your STATE-issued and STATE-created Birth Certificate"

"The banks use the guise of the full faith and credit of the UNITED STATES Government (See the Picture Below) even thought there is no gold backing, just faith in a bankrupt corporation; thus, making you liable, as a surety collateral slave, to pay back the money, credit, and debt of the UNITED STATES Government corporation with your spirit, energy, and labor as your secret STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, legal fiction identity."

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