in mothers-love •  6 years ago 


Greetings steemians, I might have written about my mother before but I wanna do it again because her love is incomparable. She's the best definition of LOVE, her sacrifices and prayers for me and my siblings is what has brought us this far and I pray GOD will meet her at her point of heart desires.

I'm from a broken home. I have 3 siblings, a boy and 2 girls. When my parents got separated so many persons told my mum take us (me and my siblings) to her mother (my grandmother) in the village so that she can get married again since she hasn't even secured a job already but she refused, My mum told them she won't give her kids away to anybody not even her own mother and that we will all stay together whether we have food to eat or not. They tried so many times to convince her That having 4 kids will scare men away from her thereby leaving her unmarried after her failed marriage with my dad but she still stood her ground that she will look for a teaching job in her community with her NCE certificate so she can single handedly take care of her children.


In 2004, I was only 10 years when she got a teaching job in her community. She stays at work for 2weeks and return only @ weekends. She gives me money for feeding and I will draw a food roaster for the days she won't be with us until her return. I was actually a Mother to my siblings (our small momma as they'd call me). I was always with my siblings and sometimes they'd cry so much because they miss our mum and they had never stayed without her presence since birth.

My mum's salary then was just #45,000 and wasn't enough to fend for 4 kids for a whole month(30-31 days). One day when we were chased out of school for no payment of our tuition fees, I ran back home alone following my mum's instruction for just one of us to return back home so that our neighbours won't find out out about her incapability of paying our tuition fees. When I got home and told my mum, she followed me back and begged my proprietress to fivw hwe aonw time but they refused so she told them she's begged them to let her sew some pieces of my schools' uniform and deduct the amount of her children tuition fee from there. My proprietress said she'll give it a thought and allowed me and my siblings back into the school for the whole week. Before the week ran out, my proprietress called me and told me to tell my mum to come with me when coming to school the next day with her measuring tape. When I got back home I told my mum the goodnews and she started dancing, me and my siblings joined her and we danced happily together.


My dad begged for a reunion in 2006 with my mum, they tried but it didn't work and he finally left Port Harcourt since 2008 us (his children) ever since then we haven't seenbhim and he hasn't visited.

Mum got promoted in her place of work and now earn close to #100k yet it still isn't enough to take care of myself and my siblings. Her parents and sibkings felt she wouldn't further her education becise o her responsibilities but she did, she finished her B.SC, B.ED degree from the the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education and is now doing her masters Program in the sane institution.

Sometimes she cries bitterly whenever we get her angry. Even though it ain't easy on her she keeps trying and I can't wait to make her the proudest Mum in the universe she has 3 kids already the university with her little salary. She's has fought ao many battle for me and my kid siblings both physical and spiritually. She can go a whole day not eating anything just for her children to be filled. Even when I went for a contest Miss Kolga to be precise and didn't win i cried qhen calling her to yell her i didnt make it to the top 5. She consoled me and told me its not the end of the world and that better opportunities will come so I houksnt be weighed down by a single failure. I felt better after her words of advice. I know if nor for me and my siblings my num would have probably been remarried, have her own car, and even her own apartment that's Why I have vouch never to make my momma Cry again.

Sometimes I'm dumbfounded knowing or hearing people sacrifice their mothers just to make money Just like these Useless Yahoo boys sand even top celebrities so.




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