Everyone wants himself to be a "big" success, then how to be great?
Many assume that having a lot of money, and abundant wealth or high office is a big success in life.
Is that true?
We may think so, and that's fine not to be a problem because most people assume with what is seen and real in their view.
So what does the true success say?
before I review it you try to imagine your journey from before so you arrive at the place where you are inu.
When you have imagined it correctly, of course there in your mind will look the memory of your life journey with various stories and experiences so that you get where you are today.
now you try to answer if you are big? or successful? or vice versa?
If the above steps really you do of course you know what the answer to your position.
The answer is, how is the journey of our lives so that today you or I reach at this stage, who makes it so that you become a person who has everything or you become a failure.
how does this happen as you used to be a little baby but now you are a great person with a great job or you are now a person who has nothing poor.
who did all that? it is none other than ourselves who will make us who, based on what we shape through our minds.
mind is like a ground sprinkled with seed and grows based on what we plant then it is also the result we get.
All of us have equal opportunity on this earth, because no human being can choose to be born from the mother's womb rich or poor mother. and there is also no mother who wants her child to be difficult or poor in the face of life all mothers expect their children to be big and successful. all of us are born in the same state, neither are we dressed, neither in the great office nor with the wealth we carry.
everything happens and is achieved from ourselves, think big with big soul then result will also be big, but if think small result also will be small.
success not on what we get, but success how we share the good and enjoy it together.
think big with a big soul so that success comes with greatness.
thank you if you've read it, always in goodness for perfect greatness.