10 Highly Influential Things I Do Every Single Day [Part 1]

in motivation •  7 years ago  (edited)


You Are What You Eat!

You've heard this phrase before, right?

Well... I think there's an even better phrase...

You Are What You DO!

And I would even extend that statement into...

You Are What You DO Each & Every Friggin' Day!

Would you agree?

How we choose to spend our time, largely does sum up the essence of who we are here on Planet Earth, doesn't it?

And thus, if what we are doing each day is uplifting, supportive, expressive, loving, and healthy...

Then would it make sense that we will become uplifting, supportive, expressive, loving, and healthy people?

That's my philosophy, and that's exactly why I chose to create this list of my most influential daily activities.

I work from home and thus, I've really had to learn how to live optimally.

Working from home is great freedom, but with that freedom comes great responsibility.

You have a responsibility to influence yourself and operate in a disciplined manner.

After years of learning and improving, here are a few of the secrets I've uncovered for myself along the way - and you certainly don't need to work from home to utilize them!

1. Webcam Journaling

Webcam journaling has been by far one of the positively influential things I've ever included into my life.

I started practicing this form of journaling about five years ago when I was dealing with extreme depression.

At the time, what I was dealing with felt unbearable and at the time I didn't have many people to talk to.

So I started to talk to my webcam... and then something incredible happenened...

I started feeling better!

And it totally took me by surprise.


I felt like I was being heard.

It didn't matter if someone was actually listening or not - the mere fact that I was being recorded was enough.

From that point onwards, I began webcam journaling every day.

After doing it so many times, I've figured out a process that works really well for emotional processing:

My Webcam Journaling Process:

1. Share a few things that you are grateful for
2. Share your uncensored perspective of the world. Be honest and sincere with yourself.
3. Talk about what you're excited to do today.
4. Talk about how you're going to execute those exciting things.

It's really simple, easy, and only takes about 5 minutes to successfully complete the process.

2. Drinking Water

After spending 7+ years in pre-med, medical school, and various alternative healing seminars I can full-heartedly say that if someone were to just insist that the world drink more water, then some HUGE percentage of our health problems would likely dissolve.

It sounds crazy, but in my experience, it's the truth.


Water is extremely important.

It conducts electricity... and we are electrical beings.

We are also made up of 60-80% water...

It's literally majority shareholder of our body!

It's also a lot more difficult for your brain to perform mental and emotional processes when it's depleted of water.

I always keep a huge jug of water by my side and I'm constantly sipping on it throughout the day because of these mere facts!

3. Movement

Movement is one of the most important aspects of living.

If you are not moving, what are you doing?

You are dying.

The simple truth is, our body is constantly in motion...

Our heart never stops beating.

Our lungs never stop breathing.

And our mind never stops processing.

So when then would it ever be okay for us, as the macro-embodiment of these things, to inhibit motion?

It's not!

Thus, when you stop moving, your body AND mind pays a considerate price.

This is exactly why I'm constantly moving throughout the day.

Here's a few of my favorite ways to move...

3a. Simple Exercises

Last year I really struggled to exercise consistently.

This year, I've decided that I'm going to exercise every day, but I am going to do it in a way that ensures I stick to this new habit.

Thus, I have two simple exercises that I perform daily: push ups and sit ups.


On odd days of the month I'll do push ups and on even days I'll do sit ups.

I'll perform at least 50 reps a day and my rep count is constantly increasing as my endurance does.

I imagine that by the end of the year I'll likely be close to 1,000 reps a day!

3b. Skateboarding

I discovered skateboarding few months ago.

My girlfriend had a skateboard, I tried it out one day, and I fell in love with it.

I love skateboarding because it's mix between running and walking.

You don't have to get all sweaty, but you still can get in a good work out.

Here's a video of my buddy Kai and I skating around our neighborhood lol.

It's also great for your neuro-physiological system, as you are required to really focus on balancing while also staying aware of your environment.

I'll usually skateboard in between work tasks or chores.

It's a great way to break up the day and it makes me feel alive and free!

3c. Yoga

Most of us have experienced yoga before.

If you haven't, you need to at least give it a chance (try hot yoga!).

Yoga is probably the ultimate way to inspire movement in your body.

My favorite yoga move is the cat cow.

cat cow.jpg

I perform this move every single day because it's incredibly beneficial for your back.

It helps to get motion into the vertebral joints and it keeps your cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae (aspects of your spine) in alignment.

The spine is so important because it houses the nerves that are sent from your brain and sent to every organ in your body.

When your spine is out of alignment, it impinges the nerve supply, and thus inhibits the flow of information.

If you have less information reaching you heart - that means your heart will not be operating at its highest potential.

Same goes with your internet connection... if there is less information flowing through your ethernet cord, your internet connection will be bottlenecked.

Thus, in a body sense, this is why taking care of your spine is incredibly important.

The more information flowing from the brain to the body, and vice versa, the better.

If you could just do one move to improve your body's health, the cat-cow would be it.

4. Habit Tracking

Everything I've mentioned here is a habit, however, the reason I can keep them as habits is because I track them.

We can have an intention to start a habit, but if we aren't in control of our attention to the habit, then we simply will forget to do it.

Thus, I have a google doc excel sheet that I look at every morning when I wake up.

Here's an example of what it looks like:


My goal each day is to complete all of my habits.

There's a fair amount of habits I have, so I try to keep each habit very simple and easy to execute.

This way, it doesn't ever feel like a burden, and the more I do them, the easier it is to continue doing them.

As I master a habit, I'll increase the intensity of it.

Such as with my push up / pull up habit: as I gain endurance, I increase the reps.

Tracking my habits has made all the difference for me.

The reason it works is because - instead of letting facebook, TV, or a commercial tell me what to do - I take ownership over my mental space by attending to my habits as soon as I wake up.

5. Steemit Tracking

One of my major goals this year is to produce soul-based media content that supports my very existence.

When I discovered Steemit late last year, I knew it was the platform that would get me there.

Thus, I now spend a significant amount of my waking life working on Steemit to achieve this goal.

The number one thing I've learned on here thus far is the importance of consistency.

Consistency is required in three major areas:

Content production, Engagement, and Commenting

Content production is the obvious one.

We need to be producing content at least 5 times a week.

And it needs to be top notch.

When you're putting out your best effort on here, you shine.

And since this platform is still relatively new, you can really stand out, simply by showing that you care.

Engagement is probably another obvious one.

When people comment on your posts, you need to engage with them.

Here's a great example of how I've been engaging with followers and showing my appreciation for doing so.

Yes, it gets overwhelming at times, especially when you're already putting a lot of effort into your content...

But if people are taking the time to read and provide value on your own content, then you sure as hell better value those people.

They are offering you an opportunity to thrive.

By nourishing your followers and engaging them, your channel will thrive!

Last, and certainly not least, is the one that many newbies on here will likely not realize right away.

Commenting is one of the single most important things you can do on Steemit.

If you know me on Steemit, then you know I'm a comment slut haha.

What I mean by that is that I write out a shit ton of high value comments every single day.

Look at my profile banner, you'll see that I've already posted over 1,467 times...

axios stats.png

And keep in mind that I've only been posting regularly since December 2017.

90% of my posts are comments and I spend 90% of my time reading other Steemians content, leaving sincere and high value comments, upvoting their posts, then inviting them to a recent post of mine (as long as it's relevant to them).

I try to treat a comment like it's my own channel post - because it is!

The more value I can add to it, the more I stand out as a unique individual, and also, the more value I add to the platform as a whole.

One of my own favorite comments recently was to @ackza.


I like this comment because it not only demonstrated a very personal touch to what he had written in his post...

But it also demonstrated that we were exchanging services.

In a nutshell: he had asked for someone to create him an animated banner for his channel. I created one for him and he generously upvoted my posts and sent me SBD.

We not only exchanged perspectives, but also services!

This is, in my opinion, the royal road to success on Steemit.

Thus, you need to have your Steemit tracking habits in order.

With that being said, this is the tracking sheet that I use:

steemit log.png

It's simple:

I track the content I'm posting on my channel and how much SBD I'm accumulating for each one. My goal is at least 5 solid posts per week and to attain at least 25 SBD (something achievable as I'm just starting out).

I track the amount of times I'm commenting. My goal is to comment at least 10 times a day on my feed's posts and 10 times a day on new Steemit posts within a tag that's relevant to my channel.

Lastly, I track how my channel is growing based on the number of followers I have at the beginning and end of the day. My goal is to gain at least 75 followers per week.

Those Are The First 5 Most Influential Things I Do Every Day!

All of these activities have a significantly positive influence on my day and are aligned with my yearly goals.

I believe that if you take a big goal, break it down into small chunks, then take those chunks and turn them into tiny slivers, then do those tiny slivers each day - you will be successful.

That's why I'm so habitually focused every day.

It's what brings me life and keeps me keepin' on!

Ready for Part 2?

Click Here To Read My Final 5 Highly Influential Things!

part 2.png

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about any of these habits!

I am always more than happy to help, support, and share my own experiences.

Cheers friends!

~ @axios

What was your favorite influential habit of the five that I shared?

Are there any habits you do that make a big difference in your life?

I want to know! Share them in the comments below!

Thanks For Stopping By :)

Interested in becoming the greatest version of yourself?

Looking for practical tips and strategies to get you there? I produce daily, high-quality content within the realms of empowered psychology. If you're looking for Steemit content that will give you that psycho-spiritual edge, then follow the @axios channel today. You deserve to be your very best!


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Woah dude, you are extremely systematic! Most of those are great! I don’t really want to get that systematic with anything that comes natural to me though, like writing or making comments. I don’t want anything to feel like work. I’d rather keep loose goals because it allows the creativity to flow where it wants to go and sometimes I’d rather slack off a bit than shoot blanks.

I do think I should try your organized systematic approach to things which I don’t yet feel passion for but would like to integrate into my life and learn to love. Exercise, practicing guitar, a dream diary, and some of the more heavy crypto research (the occasional whitepaper) come to mind.

You really pump out high quality stuff though, it’s impressive how consistent you are!

Yeah I agree that systemization can definitely kill creativity! It took me awhile to find the balance and I still struggle with it from time to time. I guess I just have really firm goals with Steemit and it's something that's really worth putting my time into, hence the systemization.

Really appreciate your acknowledgement of my work. Means a lot man :) Cheers!

I agree 100% that you become the person your habits dictate. They create your mindset and how you approach the world.

I really need to talk to you more though, because you have some amazing things going on. The web journaling is brilliant. It's like having a psychiatrist without paying $150+ an hour. Same results.

I'm also amazed at your tracking of your performance/progress here on Steemit. I should do something similar, but to be honest, with two kids under 7 in the house it likely won't happen. I struggle to get my 1 post and at least 10 comments in a day. But I do agree about the importance of commenting and wish I could do more. I do comment every thoughtful comment on my own posts.

Water I have covered. After 6 years living in Thailand I got in the habit of always having a bottle of water handy.

Followed and followed with GINAbot.

Two kids under 7 is quite the full plate already - I commend you on your efforts here! The steemit tracking really just gives my brain something to work towards until I establish solid habits, def not necessary but has been helpful for sure.

I'm really glad you're digging the content. I have worked in psychotherapy and have spent a lot of time learning a variety of alternative psych approaches and thus I share a lot of that on this channel ;-)

Yeah they definitely keep me busy. I work from home as a freelance writer though, so it's a natural move to Steemit. Not to say it isn't somewhat stressful with the conflicting demands, but it's doable. I'm very organized so the tracking kinda called to me :)

Ah! Makes sense. Yeah what a perfect find. Great reason to invest via writing. Wishing you well my friend.


Drinking water is my favorite so far. If I let myself get dehydrated, I can really feel it the next day.

My friend has been encouraging me to get into yoga as well, and although it will take quite some time for my body to gain that flexibility, it definitely knows that it needs it!

Me too. I always know when I slacked on the water intake the moment I wake up. My body feels a bit stale and weak because of it!

Do the yoga thing! You wont regret it. Its challenging for the first few times, but once you start to get it it gets easier and your body begins to feel much much better.

I enjoy the way you use your personal experience to pass messages it's intriguing...

Health is wealth. The things we do or don't do will be evident in the nearest future.

I have also learnt to keep track of my daily activities like you adviced. Thanks for constantly been a source of inspiration. Have been following your posts for a couple of weeks now.

Health IS wealth, you got it brother. Glad you're on that page man. I really appreciate the kind words and really glad youre enjoying the content. I always try to create stuff thats worth a read. Cheers bro!

Wao! this is loaded,
I love the idea of water therapy, Movement and exercise as they help in living helthy

Thank you @maintain4real-eu its what makes the biggest difference for me :)

Love this! I definitely need to drink more water too

I hear the more hydrated you are, the faster you can spin on the pole :P

HAHAHA maybe if its a couple hours before.. I feel like chugging a ton of water would be the recipe for disaster and projectile puking hahaha

Well... everyone has their kinks lolll

But yes probably a good call to avoid that

This is amazing, the mere motivation from this post is contagious!

I really wish I had more self control like this and you've motivated me to try it out :) I often make daily goals, but I rarely stick to them for more than couple of weeks.

It's also great to see how relatable this is and simply universal. The only thing that I do have under control is my water habit. It's probably from the time when I used to work out daily. I can't stand being thirsty so I drink water regularly.

Personally I probably won't be trying out the webcam journal, but I've tried a few types of meditation that I should definitely start again :)
My favorite are visualization and understanding/gratitude ones.

Also you're Steemit commenting dedication is admirable. I attest that it enriches the post and the reason I'm here and read this awesome post!

Thank you for sharing your experience and in such an easy way to read. The gif-s really give this post extra liveliness. Looking forward to Part 2!

@kristyglas I really appreciate the kind words! I'm also a big fan of gratitude and visualization. It definitely makes a difference. And yeah, I really do feel that all big goals can be achieved by mastering the little ones. Just takes one step at a time :)

Thanks for reading and sharing! Really appreciated your feedback here.

Thank you so very much for this post and others that you have done. I am at moment just going through difficult time. Everything seems to hit you at once. I feel better today after talking to someone who is very important in my life. Life is to be lived and enjoyed. Thanks : ) <3<3<3

@seareader1 I know you'll make it through! As with all things, the only constant in life is change and the difficult stuff is only a stop on the way to all the fun stuff :) I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better after talking with someone. I'm wishing you the very best. Thank you so much for stopping by and reading :)


Never thought about webcam journaling - great idea.

Yeah! If you are more vocally attuned its really helpful. Not for everyone but def has worked for me :)

Your steemit tracker is so well organized, I might have to copy your layout lol.. I just do mine on a rough sheet of paper!