How Important Is It To Determining Relevancy?

in motivation •  4 years ago 

"Determining relevance" is a popular mantra among writers and editors. Yet, it is usually not taken seriously by the majority of authors. Why is this? Probably because it is confusing, and most people are more concerned with "feel good" factors such as whether readers will enjoy the story or novel, rather than how the story affects them. In order to make sure your work gets read, it is important to learn about how to Determinate Relevancy. Read on to learn more.

First, it is important to understand that determining relevance is not about trying to be clever or more technically sophisticated than the next person. You don't have to do anything complex, and you shouldn't. Rather, it is about being able to think about things like how a query letter comes together, and even more importantly, how things like keyword density and the target keyword list relate to finding the best articles. These techniques are simple enough to understand, yet very technical in nature.

Second, if you want to make sure your writing is considered, you must make sure your work is relevant. Many people mistakenly believe that they can create a top fifty listing in the hope of Determining Relevancy, and it rarely works out that way. The search engines have a rule called the Search Results Position, which states that a page ranking for one of the keyword phrases in a query must be within the first three positions of the first page of search results, if it has not appeared in at least one other page within the database.

In short, this means that if you want to get your work considered, you need to ensure it is relevant to the reader. If you write an article, and it does not contain information that can be considered relevant to the reader, it will be rejected. This is not a theoretical situation. Relevancy is all about understanding human psychology. You can use theories to understand human brain power and build real applications for increasing your relevance with the search engines.

Third, when determining relevance, it is important to remember the ranking system of Google. Google ranks web pages according to the keywords they contain, and the relevance of the content in the page. If your article contains all relevant keywords, it will appear higher in the search results, because it is most relevant to the reader. When you use these three methods to determine relevance, you increase your chances of appearing in the first page of the search results.

The last method to consider, and probably the most important, is the quality of your links. Links play an important role in Google relevancy. In order to be considered relevant, it needs to have high page relevancy. It is possible to increase the page relevancy of a website by using the correct link building strategy.

To give you a better idea on what relevance means, let's take an example. Let's say that Matt Cutts personal blog is about SEO, and the next page of Google search result has a different article about Sitemaps. It would seem that Matt Cutts personal blog is more relevant than the page about Sitemaps. If we do a Google search, it shows that Matt Cutts personal blog has higher page relevancy, then the page about Sitemaps.

So, we have looked at some ways to determine the relevance of your website. Using different query strings and different document models to index your website has its own challenges. However, the biggest problem that you face is the low level of competition in most search engines.

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